Thursday, December 17, 2020

December News

Dear Kaneland Families

Thank you for all of your support and flexibility throughout this school year, especially during our transition to remote learning the past three weeks.  Without your support at home, we couldn't have made it happen. Let's close out this year by putting the computers and schedules away for a while so you can enjoy your time together. Soon enough we will see you all again on January 4, 2021! B-Day students, we will see you in person on January 5th.  We wish you a wonderful holiday season! 

RTI Interventions

The final day for all RtI Interventions, both reading and math, will be Friday, Dec. 18 until we return to school in January.  New schedules will be communicated when we return to school.


KST Holiday Sign-Along

Every year on the last day of school before Winter Break, everyone gathers in the gym to sing holiday songs together.  This is a very fun and memorable time for all. However, this year, as you know, we can't gather the same but we can still keep our tradition alive by including our families to join in this year!!  Mrs. Kuntsman has provided a holiday sing-along video to participate in at home with your family and loved ones. ENJOY!! 

Kaneland District Email  

This message was shared by the Kaneland Administration on Wednesday, 12/16. We have highlighted important topics that pertain to the elementary level.  


To assist in a successful return to school in January,  please continue to work diligently to practice the W’s - Wear a mask, Watch your distance, and Wash your hands - you are making a difference.


Our plan is to return to in-person learning at school on January 4, 2021 (A day), with the hybrid model (A and B days) that we started the school year.  Tuesday, January 5, 2021, will be a B day.  Full Remote Students begin on January 4th. 


When we return to school in January, and what was shared with the Board of Education on Monday night, there has been a change made to the learning structure for Wednesdays starting in January.  Please see the attached information outlining those changes by grade span.  

K-5 Wednesday Hybrid and Family/Medical Choice Remote Structure


In addition to the new Wednesday Schedule, please also see the Hybrid Exploratory Calendar, as well as the Wednesday Attendance Outline for elementary students.

Hybrid Exploratory Calendar (K-5th Grade)

Wednesday Attendance Outline (K-5th Grade)

Self-Certification Reminder

As Kaneland CUSD #302 transitions back to in-person learning starting Monday, January 4, all staff and students will need to use the Certification Tool for each day they enter our buildings.   Please see the following directions:

  1. Students (Parents) Planning to return to Hybrid Learning in January:  Please use the student self-certification tool each day beginning Monday, January 4, 2021.  If a student either tests positive or is identified as a close contact with a person that tests positive for the coronavirus, please keep the student home and send an email to your school nurse.

  2. Family Choice/Medical students should continue to sign in for attendance following their current protocols for this school year.

To minimize the spread of the disease, Kaneland Schools are taking the following steps: 

  • Continuing self-certification of staff and students

  • We recommend that everyone continue to monitor their health and stay at home if they develop symptoms.  Symptomatic persons should contact their health care provider to determine the plan of care and discuss testing.  Anyone who develops severe symptoms should seek medical care immediately

  • Kaneland schools continue to follow protocols for disinfection (routine and high-touch cleaning) reinforcing the importance of wearing face masks at all times, encouraging social distancing, and providing an opportunity for hand washing or hand sanitizing multiple times a day.

Kaneland Cares Closet

The Cares Closet will stop taking orders today, Friday 12/18, and will not be available over Winter Break.  We will start accepting orders again after the holidays on January 4th.  Visit for more information.

FaceTime Fun Time Event

This week I had four amazing young ladies reach out to me regarding an idea they had from a  Design Your Own App assignment that originated in Mr. Rutter's class.  The girls would like to take this assignment one step further. They would like to hold an event, FaceTime Fun Time, where all KST students are invited to sign-up and play fun games through Zoom.  If you think your student(s) would be interested, please click on this invite for more information.  

May Your Holiday Be Happy and Bright 
- From the Staff at KST

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Transition To Remote


Thank you to all teachers, staff, parents, grandparents, and caregivers that have supported the hybrid students' transition to remote learning.  Without all your support, we couldn't have made it happen.  As we continue to travel down this journey together we need to take deep breaths, reach out when we need support, and remain flexible as we are all trying to find the "right fit" for remote learning to best support our students and create an environment that maximizes learning.  If you have any questions, again please do not hesitate to reach out! Here are a few helpful reminders that I wanted to reshare.

Please Self-Certify Your Student(s) Each Day 

As Kaneland CUSD #302 transitions to full remote learning starting Monday, November 30, we will monitor internal metrics, as well as local and State metrics, in addition to the guidance and mandates from local and State agencies. 

We need your help to monitor our local positivity rates and close contacts to make decisions for a safe and timely transition back to the Hybrid A/B model.  Please see the following directions:

  1. Students (Parents) Planning to return to Hybrid Learning in January:  Please use the student self-certification tool each day beginning November 30, 2020.  If a student either tests positive or is identified as a close contact with a person that tests positive for the coronavirus, please send an email to your school nurse letting them know.
  2. All Staff:  Please continue to use the staff self-certification tool each day.  Also, be sure to notify the Director of Human Resources if you test positive or if you are identified as a close contact with a person that tests positive for the coronavirus.
  3. Family Choice/Medical students should continue to sign in for attendance following their current protocols for this school year.

Exploratory Classes for Hybrid Students

If you were an A Day student your student(s) will attend LIVE Zoom sessions during their exploratory time on Mondays and Thursdays PLUS on Wednesday, December 9th.

If you are a B Day student your student(s) will attend LIVE Zoom sessions during their exploratory time on Tuesday and Fridays PLUS on Wednesday, December 2nd and 16th.

When it is NOT their LIVE Zoom day for exploratories, students should check their exploratories Canvas Page for application work.  

This information has been shared by the classroom teacher noting what exploratory they see on specific days.  If you are unable to locate your child's exploratory tile on their Canvas page, please refer to this document. 

KST Exploratory Canvas and Zoom Link Information

Technology Issues

Starting Monday, Nov. 30th there will be a help desk for students and parents in the KHMS Community room. 

Please enter door 20 to access the help desk.

It will be open Monday, Wednesday, Fridays 12-4pm and Tuesday, Thursday 7-11am.  

You can also use the Student Helpdesk for support or make an appointment at

Checking Out Library Books 

Please check out the Library tile on your child's Canvas page to check out books. Books can be picked up on Wednesdays between 9am-2pm that have been checked out. Students will check out books from the Destiny Program (that can be found on the Library Canvas page). It does not allow books to be put on hold that are currently available in the library.  A hold can only be put on a book that is currently checked out.

To work around this, I ask that the student or parent (not both) email me with the title(s) they would like to check out.  I do look at my email throughout the day and I will be as diligent as possible to get the title(s) pulled in a timely manner on a first come, first serve basis.

Please include:

  • Title

  • Author

  • Student first and last name

  • Student ID number

Students may have 2 books checked out at a time and on a weekly basis. If you have other library questions, please email Mrs. Kerry -

Kaneland Cares Closet

Dear Kaneland Staff and Families,

Thank you to all who have donated to our Kaneland Care Closet. We have already begun to help out some families in our community due to your generosity!

Today is Giving Tuesday and it would be amazing if we could stock the closet even more to get us through this challenging winter and be able to help as many families as possible.
Items can be purchased through the Amazon Wishlist:

OR you may purchase them on your own and drop off at any one of the schools and we'll get them to the closet at KST. (Even though the closet is at KST, families from ALL schools may use it and items will be brought to them.)
Items needed most right now are Hygiene: Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bar soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, maxi pads, tampons, baby wipes, diapers, pull-ups

Pantry: macaroni and cheese, Hamburger Helper, canned tuna and chicken, canned ravioli/spaghettios, Capri Sun, tortillas, applesauce, peanut butter, jelly, Goldfish, oatmeal, mini cereal boxes, granola bars, Nutrigrain Bars, pasta, tomato sauce, tomato soup, chicken noodle soup, dish soap

Thank you!

May Newsletter

May 1 Fun Lunch - Culvers 1 School Principal Appreciation Day 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week 15 PTN Dine Out Night - Chipotle 17 5th Grade O...