Tuesday, August 31, 2021

September Stewart Scoop


SHIELD Testing

KST will be SHIELD Testing every Tuesday from 10:30 - 11:00am with a designated grade level schedule.  Students who have opted in have done a fabulous job and are really getting the hang of the routine.  We are working on having the students do the process independently and all are learning very quickly.  

If you have not Opted In and would like to do so, please visit our SHIELD Illinois Information page and complete the Consent Form.

Moving forward, please know that all test results are negative, unless you receive a call from Kaneland administration.  We will report the weekly SHIELD testing results on our COVID-19 Weekly Dashboard, which is updated each week (by Sunday evening) for the prior week.  

Water Bottles

A reminder to send water bottles with your student(s) daily as we are still not using the water fountains to drink directly from.  Students have access to the water bottle filling station to refill their bottles as needed throughout the day. 

Parking Lot Reminders

Please remember to use your TURN SIGNAL when entering and exiting the parking lot.  This really helps our wonderful crossing guard, Mrs. Fair. 

Also, please remind your child(ren) to use the crosswalk with the crossing graud to ensure all safely cross to the other side. 

Flip Flops/Slides

Please refrain from having students wear flip flops or slides while at school as they are unsafe when they are playing outside at recess.  Sandles should have a back strap on them to ensure they stay on the child's foot. 

SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Supports For Home

All KST students are now enrolled in a Canvas Course called,  KST SEL. 

This course includes: 

Grade level specific opportunities to explore Social and Emotional topics and activities
Virtual Coping Strategy ideas for both  K-2 and 3-5  students
Contact information for the Social Worker- Mrs. Gabrielson
You can find the course by logging into Canvas or this link: https://kaneland.instructure.com/courses/12680 

Desperate Need In Lunch/Recess Monitors!!

Are you someone who enjoys making sure kids have fun while staying safe? Do you enjoy spending time outside? Are you interested in supporting Kaneland elementary students during lunch and recess times? We are looking for YOU! Come join our team as a Monitor!

We still need 2 more monitors at KST.  If you are interested, please CLICK HERE to apply! If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Aversa (10017@Kaneland.org) or Ms. Waller (58992@Kaneland.org)

Nurse Information 

If you have any test results or information for our new school nurse, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Danielle Hines via email at Danielle.Hines@Kaneland.org 

Upcoming Dates

Monday, September 6th:   No School, Labor Day 

Wednesday, September 8th:  School Pictures

Thursday, September 9th:   5th Grade Outdoor Ed

Friday, September 10th:  Run for Fund

Tuesday, September 21st:  PTN Meeting 6pm KST Library 

Wednesday, September 29th:  Fun Lunch (more info to come)

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

First Day Reminders!!

School Hours: Please do not drop students off any earlier than 8:35 as there will be no supervision available. 

First Bell - 8:40 AM 

Tardy Bell - 8:50 AM (If your child is tardy, please walk them in the front office to sign them in)

Walker Bell - 3:25 PM

Busser Bell - 3:30 PM

Lunch: Remember to pack a lunch as we are a cold lunch school.

Snacks: Remember to pack a healthy snack, avoiding peanuts in all peanut-free classes.

Water Bottles: Can be refilled at the water fountain station

Masks: Required to be worn while inside the building, except for lunch and snack time. You may want to pack an extra mask in your child's backpack as a backup.

Entrance and Exit procedure:  To limit the number of students entering the building at any one location, grade levels will have separate entrances and exits from the building. There will be staff at each location to monitor students as well as around the building to ensure student safety. Please see John Stewart Elementary Map for the entrances of specific grade levels. 

Parent Zone For Waving: In the past, parents liked to walk their students to the main entrance of the building to send them off for the day. In order to maintain the safety of our students and staff, we are asking parents not to walk up to the entrance with their children. Please stop at the sidewalk and say your goodbyes there. Think of it like the “kiss and ride or fly zones” you would see at train stations and airports. 

Parking Lot Procedure: All parents dropping off or picking up their child(ren) should use the West parking lot only. The main lot is reserved for buses during arrival and dismissal times. No cars should enter the main lot during arrival and dismissal. Please Click Here for a Map. When in the parent drop-off line please have students only exit the car on the right side by the sidewalk. Parents, please remain in your car. If you need to get out for any reason, please find a parking spot to assist your child(ren). The traffic should continue to move along.

We kindly ask for your patience and compassion toward the staff members working to keep our parking lot safe for everyone during student arrival and dismissal. We recognize pulling all the way forward or waiting a few moments to pull away after picking up your child is not always convenient, but these simple actions support the greater goal of student safety. Please remember, the professional training and experience of the staff on "parking lot duty" is in the education field, not traffic control. They do their best each day and greatly appreciate positive feedback and demonstrations of grace. The hecticness of the parking lot during student arrival and dismissal is a perfect place to model kindness for our children.

We are going to have a great school year!!!

May Newsletter

May 1 Fun Lunch - Culvers 1 School Principal Appreciation Day 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week 15 PTN Dine Out Night - Chipotle 17 5th Grade O...