Tuesday, February 2, 2021

February News


Valentine's Day Parties

Our school will celebrate Valentine's day on February 11 for A day students and February 12 for B day students. This will be similar to our Halloween festivities in that the classroom teachers will infuse Valentine's Day activities into the curriculum. We WILL NOT be trading Valentine Day cards or passing out other candy and trinkets.

Incoming Kindergarten Registration

February 20th we will be holding Kindergarten registration. It will look very different this year! It will be held at the home school your child is attending and is focusing solely on registration. Packets of information will be shared for enrichment activities that are typically found at the fair. Please call the front office to reserve your time slot (630) 365-8170. Time slots will be assigned in 15-minute increments to ensure distance protocols and allow each family the time needed. This is not something your child needs to attend. This date is also a time that people interested in the preschool program can share their interests with us.
Please see the Kindergarten Registration Flyer and share it with other families that you may know has an incoming Kindergartener.  Thank You!

End of Trimester 2
Trimester 2 ends on February 19th.  Report cards will be ready for families go live in Tyler on February 26th at 4:00 pm

Hybrid learner Wednesday schedule for February Kindergarten-5th grade
February Wednesday Schedule:
2-3: A day
2-10: Asynchronous learning K-5
2-17: A day
2-24: B day

KST is Hiring!
We are looking to fill the nurse's position at KST starting immediately. Interested applicants can find the application at Kaneland.org.  Please feel free to share this information with any school nurses that you may know. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call the main office.  

Productive Struggle

Here is a quick YouTube video from Lucy Calkins (co-author of Units of Study Writing, our adopted writing program) talking about the importance of productive struggle. Click Here to view the video

May Newsletter

May 1 Fun Lunch - Culvers 1 School Principal Appreciation Day 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week 15 PTN Dine Out Night - Chipotle 17 5th Grade O...