Saturday, May 14, 2022

End of the Year Newsletter


May 18 - 5th Grade Vs Teachers Basketball Game (during school)
May 18 - 5th Grade Outdoor Activities / Farewell Lunch
May 19 - Exploratory Choice Day
May 19 - Dismissal at 2:30
May 20 - Field Day 
May 20 - Dismissal at 2:30 and last day of school
May 20 - 5th-grade clap out 1:45(see information below) 


We are looking to fill positions within our building for TWO lunch/recess monitors and substitutes. If you or someone you know is interested in joining our team, please complete the link below! We have the ability to be flexible with schedules as well! Feel free to share with others in and around our community.

Employment Page


As in previous years, we once again plan to host our 5th-Grade Clap Out! This is an annual tradition that many students and families look forward to and we are excited to be able to celebrate our fifth-grade students as they move on to middle school. The clap-out will take place on Friday, May 20th at 1:45pm. Parents of 5th-grade students are welcome to come and clap their child out. Please see the flyer for where to go.  We will also have a sign out in front of the school by the baseball field for 5th-grade photos to be taken.  * 5th Grade Clap Out @ 1:45pm Please see the flyer for more information about the ANNUAL CLAP OUT. 


As a reminder, Thursday, May 19th, and Friday, May 20th are one-hour early dismissal days. Dismissal on both days will be at 2:30 pm. Please plan accordingly.


This year Kaneland John Stewart will host a Field Day for students in Kindergarten-5th grade on the last day of school on May 20th. This will be held during the school day. The PTN has generously offered to provide a Fun Lunch of Reams Hot Dogs to all students on this day. Please make sure your child is dressed comfortably in athletic shoes and a water bottle.  Thank you! 

Teacher Vs. 5th Grade Basketball Game

The 15th annual 5th graders verse teachers basketball game is May 18th at around 2:45pm. Parents can NOT come to the game, though it will be live on KST's Facebook page. You don't have to have Facebook to watch it.


Student Chromebooks in 4th and 5th grades will be collected starting the morning of Tuesday, May 17th. Students will need to return their device and all corresponding charging cords.  Please make sure they have it that day or before.  They may keep their device cases for their new device if they choose to reuse it. They will be given new devices at the beginning of school in August.  

Ticks on the Playground/Grounds

We want to make everyone aware that Ticks have been reported to have been on students recently. We believe they are coming from the wooded area behind the playground and the wonderful trees that shade our playground.  Please check your child nightly and let us know if they have one on them.  Maintenance has contacted our pest control company which is looking into school-safe treatments to address this problem. 


Registration is ongoing, more information is linked below please contact our office with any questions.  Please register online below:
Parent Registration Instructions


Headphones are now an item listed on the student supply list and no longer provided by the school. As such, we want to remind parents to please store their child's headphones in a safe space at home to return them to school next year.

2022-23 Supply List (1st - 5th Grade) / Kindergarten Supply List 


Please click HERE to view the 2022-2023 Kaneland School Calendar

2021-22 Archived Music Performances

Videos of most of our school choral performances can be found on our KST Video Youtube Channel.  Check them out! 


Dear Kaneland Community,

As part of Kaneland Connects Strategic Plan, we have been working to meet the unique learning needs of all Kaneland students through the infusion of personalized learning practices in all district schools, as well as to design the Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy. We have increased student voice and choice in learning, increased clarity regarding learning standards, and increased opportunities for student self-reflection and advocacy in all Kaneland schools. We are now excited to announce the creation of Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy, where these practices will be infused at the deepest level. IgKnight Academy will open in the fall of 2023, to students entering grades 4-8, at our Meredith Road facility. It is intended to serve any student seeking increased ownership over their learning, in a non-traditional school structure.

Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy is a stand-alone Kaneland school, free from the constraints of bell schedules and conventional learning structures. It is designed around the individual strengths, needs, and interests of learners. Instructional methods, pacing, and learning paths vary from learner to learner, as they pursue proficiency relative to established standards. At IgKnight Academy, students are empowered to develop and use their unique potential, become self-motivated thinkers, creators, and collaborators, and to take charge of their learning paths.They will participate in customized learning experiences that foster student agency, engagement, reflection, and personal development.

ALL Kaneland schools provide a rigorous learning experience, and are facilitated by caring and highly qualified educators. What makes IgKnight Academy unique is the depth to which it will provide flexible learning spaces, an interdisciplinary curricular framework, and customization of learning pathways.

Detailed information regarding Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy can be found in the IgKnight Academy Information Guide or by watching the Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy Community Presentation. If after reviewing the Information Guide, you would like to be added to a contact list to ensure you receive all communications regarding IgKnight Academy, please complete this FORM.

Inquiries regarding Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy can be sent to

Thank You,

Laura Garland
Personalized Learning Coordinator
Kaneland Educational Services Department
630-365-5100 x 71127


Please see the Amazon link below to find items that members of our Kaneland community are in need of.


Kaneland Parent Social Emotional Newsletter.


Kaneland Elementary Summer Learning

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

Parent guides for F&P levels

What is F&P? F & P stands for Fountas & Pinnell, which is the reading curriculum that is utilized in Kaneland.  This link is a parent guide to the F&P levels to help further your young reader at home.  You will find helpful strategies and questions to further explore your child's understanding. 


May Newsletter

May 1 Fun Lunch - Culvers 1 School Principal Appreciation Day 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week 15 PTN Dine Out Night - Chipotle 17 5th Grade O...