Wednesday, August 31, 2022

September Newsletter

Greetings John Stewart Families, 

We have had a wonderful start to our school year and the students have transitioned back into the school routine nicely.  We have begun assessing each student to see where their skills currently are and will then collaboratively work to continue to support each child's areas of strengths and areas of growth.  We have been focusing on our SEL curriculum through our Second Step program and establishing behavior expectations school-wide through our CHAMPS program.  Each part of their day can be "CHAMPed Out" to set the expectations. 


As we begin the 2022-2023 school year, we are excited to continue our ongoing strategic plan work with Kaneland Connects.   The five commitments that comprise Kaneland Connects are:

  • Standards-Based Grading (SBG)

  • Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • Proficiency-Based Progress (PBP)

  • 1:1 Learning

This multi-year strategic plan includes target goals, objectives, and regular updates for each commitment for each school year.  Please take a few minutes to learn more about Kaneland Connects at Kaneland Connects.  Please take a minute to check out last year's Todd Talks where Kaneland Superintendent Dr. Todd Leden shares a monthly update on the strategic plan with guest administrators in a video format.  District administrators plan regular updates to the Board of Education as well as regular updates in the Kaneland Key Communicators Network (KCN).

Have a great school year and be sure to stay “connected” to our Kaneland Schools through Kaneland Connects.

Proud to be a Knight, Mrs. Aversa, Mrs. Tucker, and the Kaneland District Administration

Important Dates


5 No School - Labor Day

7 Picture Day

9 Fun Lunch Orders Due 

12-16 Homecoming Week

21 Fun Lunch - Reams Hot Dogs

30 Run for Fund


5 Fun Lunch - Paisano’s Pasta

7 PTN Movie Night/Food Truck Event

TBD Walk to School Day  

19 Fun Lunch - Taco Bell

31 Halloween Party

Fun Lunch Sign-Up 

Here is the link. Make sure to sign up by Sep. 9th, NO late orders will be taken.

Charleston Wrap PTN Fundraiser

Please be on the lookout for more information regarding the Charleston Wrap Fundraiser from September 14 - October 3

Homecoming Week

Family Movie Night w/Food Trucks

Mark your calendars for a fun family night on Friday, October 7th! We will be showing a movie outdoors (weather permitting - indoors for inclement weather) and food trucks will be available. More information to come!!

Changing Weather 

As the weather begins to change, please dress your child in layers as it tends to be cooler in the morning than in the afternoon.  We like to take advantage of the nice weather and get outside as much as possible.  

Nurse Information

If you have any questions for the nurse, please reach out to our new nurse Ms.  Barb Scott -  /  (630) 365-8170 ext 73103

Pick-Up and Drop-Off Reminders

  • If your child's transportation is going to be different for that day, please send them with a note so that their classroom teacher AND the front office can be notified. If an email is sent only to the teacher, the teacher may be out for the day and we, the office, might not receive your request. We also ask that you try not to change their transportation after 2:30pm unless it is an emergency. That way we can ensure everyone is where they need to be to get home.  
  • Students should not be dropped off any earlier than 8:35 am, as there is no supervision. Teachers are in morning meetings until then.
  • If you arrive later than 8:50, please bring your child to the front office to sign them in. 
  • Please use your turn signal when entering and exiting the parking lot
  • Please DO NOT use your cell phone while in the School Zone
  • Please remember to not get out of your car if you are in the pickup line, please park in a parking spot if you need to leave your vehicle
  • Thank you for using the parent wave zone as it provides our students with a safe area to enter and exit the building!

May Newsletter

May 1 Fun Lunch - Culvers 1 School Principal Appreciation Day 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week 15 PTN Dine Out Night - Chipotle 17 5th Grade O...