Sunday, September 15, 2024

Mid-September Newsletter


Wednesday, September 18 - Fun Lunch Reams Hot Dogs

Thursday, September 19 - Barnes & Nobles Bookfair and Knight Out 4-7:30pm

Tuesday, September 24 - Kaneland Connects Commitment Team Mtg 5-7pm

Thursday, September 26 - 5th Grade Outdoor Ed

Thursday, September 26 - Parent Coffee Talk at KST about KIPLA 8:45-9:30am

Wednesday, October 2 - Custodian Appreciation Day

Wednesday, October 2 - Fun Lunch - Jersey Mikes

Monday, October 7-11 - Fire Prevention Week

Wednesday, October 9 - Walk, Bike, Roll to School Day

Friday, October 11 - PTN Hosted Family Movie Night 

Monday, October 14 - No School 

Wednesday, October 16 - Fun Lunch Paisano's Pizza 

Thursday, October 17 - PTN Meeting 6-7pm

CHAMPs and SEL Curriculum: 

We have had a wonderful start to our school year, and the students have transitioned nicely back into the school routine.  We have been focusing on our SEL curriculum through our Second Step program and establishing behavior expectations school-wide through our CHAMPS program.  Each part of their day can be "CHAMPed Out" to set the expectations.  See an example of our Lunch Room expectations below. 

Conversation - Help - Activity - Movement - Participation - Success

Math Proficiency Tables:

Click HERE for the K-5 Math Proficiency Tables. What is a Proficiency Table? A proficiency table, or proficiency scale, is a tool that helps teachers and students measure a student's progress and achievement. It can be used to evaluate a student's understanding of a specific skill or knowledge.  Interested in looking at more proficiency tables? Visit the Kaneland Website, in the Parent Tab to access more. 

Opportunity For 5th Grade Students:

What: Kaneland 5th Grade XC Meet Information
When:  Tuesday, October 15th, 2024
Where: Kaneland High School  

Click HERE for more information and the sign-up link

Questions to Engage Your Child In About School: 

What was the best part of your day?
What made you laugh today?
What was the most interesting thing you learned today?
What was the hardest thing you did today?
Who did you sit with at lunch today?
What was your favorite subject today?
What did you do that was creative?
What made you feel proud today?
What do you feel you are proficient in? What skills do you think you need more practice with?   
What did you need help with today? Who helped you?
What do you think you should do/learn more of at school?

When asking questions, it's important to be specific and focus on a certain aspect of their day. It's also a good idea to avoid asking too many questions right away, as kids may want to relax after school

Saturday, August 31, 2024

September Newsletter


Important Dates:

Monday, September 2 - Labor Day - No School

Wednesday, September 4 - Fun Lunch Paisano's Pizza

Wednesday, September 11-27 - PTN Charleston Wrap Fundraiser

Friday, September 13 - Fall Picture Day

Wednesday, September 18 - Fun Lunch Reams Hot Dogs

Thursday, September 19 - Barnes & Nobles Bookfair and Knight Out 4-7:30pm

Tuesday, September 24 - Kaneland Connects Commitment Team Mtg 5-7pm

Thursday, September 26 - 5th Grade Outdoor Ed

Thursday, September 26 - Parent Coffee Talk at KST about KIPLA 8:45-9:30am

Parking Lot Reminders:

  • Please use the crosswalk when going from your parked vehicle to the school and back. 
  • Use the crossing guard to cross the street.  
  • Do not walk between the buses, use the sidewalk
  • No cell phones
  • Use Turn Signals

2025-2026 IgKnight Academy Enrollment Window:

September 3, 2024- November 26, 2024

We are seeking to expand IgKnight Academy (KIPLA) to include 9th and 10th grades in the 2025-2026 school year. The expansion is dependent on several factors, including the minimum enrollment of 25 interested high school students. The first step in determining the feasibility of expansion is to determine interest levels. We are also continuing to plan staffing levels at IgKnight for grades 3-8. Therefore, we will be opening enrollment early for any student who will enter grades 3-11 in the 2025-2026 at IgKnight Academy. If you have an interest in attending IgKnight Academy in the 2025-2026 school year, please complete enrollment in the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus between 9/3/24-11/26/24.

~Opportunities to Learn More About IgKnight Academy and 

Personalized Learning Across Kaneland~

  1. Visit us! Would you like to see the personalized learning structure at KIPLA in action? Join us this fall on a guided tour of the school! Sign up HERE to reserve your tour date.

  1. Log in to a Virtual Presentation! Please join us on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, from 6:30-7:30 pm, for a virtual presentation regarding the planned expansion of IgKnight Academy, to include 9th and 10th graders in the 2025-2026 school year. The expansion is pending the minimum required enrollment of 25 high school students. District administration will share details about future high school programming at IgKnight Academy, and answer questions submitted by stakeholders. To join the Google Meet, click HERE, or dial: ‪(US) +1 216-816-0840‬ PIN: ‪712 737 935‬#  If you have a question you would like to have addressed in the virtual session, please submit it HERE

  1. Join us for coffee! Informational “Parent Coffee” sessions will be held in the multi-purpose room at each of our elementary buildings from 8:45-9:30 am. We will be at John Stewart on 9/26/24, Blackberry Creek on 9/27/24, John Shields on 9/30/24, and McDole on 10/2/24. Stop in after dropping your child off for school to learn more about personalized learning in Kaneland. Informational Flyer           

For additional information on personalized learning, contact Laura Garland at or 630-365-5111 x71127.


ELA Proficiency Tables:

Click HERE for the K-5 ELA (English Language Arts) Proficiency Tables. What is a Proficiency Table? A proficiency table, or proficiency scale, is a tool that helps teachers and students measure a student's progress and achievement. It can be used to evaluate a student's understanding of a specific skill or knowledge.

Kaneland CUSD 302 Information:

Stay in the loop with all the latest news and updates in the Kaneland School District!  The weekly district newsletter will now be sent on Thursday evening to allow more time for reviewing and planning for the upcoming week's news and events.

Click here for this week's Knightly News

KHS Football Games

Kaneland High School will not have a middle school section this year.  Any student not of Kaneland High School must be accompanied by an adult and sit with that adult at the games.  Students who arrive unaccompanied will not be allowed in the gate.  Students found attending without an adult will be required to call parents to be picked up.  Students will not be allowed to play football in or outside the stadium at any point and will be asked to sit in the bleachers.  Your cooperation is appreciated. 

Community Connections: 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mid-August Newsletter

Dear KST Families, 

We had a wonderful first day of school that was full of smiles, meeting new peers and teachers, and creating many new memories!  We are really looking forward to a successful school year! 

Mrs. Aversa and Mr. Tanskerley 

August Dates:
Friday, August 16, 2024 - Elburn Days Parade

Monday - Friday, August 19-23, 2024 - iReady Testing 1st - 5th Grade

Thursday, August 22, 2024 6:00-7:00pm - PTN Meeting

Friday, August 23, 2024 - Kaneland Chromebook Insurance Deadline

Monday, August 26, 2024 - Fun Lunch Orders Due - No Late Orders Accepted

Friday, August 23, 2024 5:00-8:00 pm - Knights Under the Lights at KHS

Saturday, August 31st, 2024 5:00-7:00 pm - Maple Park Day's Parade

Monday, September 2, 2024 - Labor Day - No School

Helpful Links/Resources:

Knightly News - The District's New Newsletter 

KST Google Calendar - Subscribe to the KST Google Calendar and Link it to Yours

School Start Time:
As a reminder, the first bell is at 8:45 am.  Please do not allow your child to go to their assigned door until 8:40 when supervision is present.  The tardy bell is at 8:50am.  If you arrive after 8:50, please walk your child to the front door to sign them in. 

Thank you!

We kindly ask that you DO NOT change your child's transportation the same day any time later than 2:30 p.m. unless it is an EMERGENCY.  Please call the main office to make a change. (630) 365-8170. Thank you! 

We also ask that you review your child's afterschool transportation changes the morning of the change so they know. Send a note to the school to notify the office and classroom teacher. 

If it is a consistent change to their transportation schedule, please complete the alternative transportation form

Substitute Lunch/Recess Monitors Needed:
We have an immediate opening for a few Lunch/Recess Substitute Monitors
If you are available occasionally and would like to get involved with the school or would like to gain more information, please get in touch with Mr. Tankersley at  Monitor start/end times 10:30am - 1:15pm

You can also complete an online application via the link below.

Kaneland School Abbreviations:
KST - Kaneland John Stewart Elementary
KBK - Kaneland Blackberry Creek Elementary (Elburn)
KSS - Kaneland John Shields Elementary (Sugar Grove)
KME - Kaneland McDole Elementary (Montgomery)
KIPLA - Kaneland IgKnight Personalized Learning Academy (Maple Park)
KHMS - Kaneland Harter Middle School (Sugar Grove)
KHS - Kaneland High School (Maple Park) 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Welcome Back to School John Stewart Families!!


August Important Dates:
  • August 2nd - Class placements go live
  • August 8th - Kindergarten Curriculum Night and Supply Drop-Off 4:00-6:00 pm
  • August 12th - 1st-5th Grade Curriculum Night and Supply Drop-Off 4:00-6:00 pm
  • August 14th - First Day of School!                                                                              (8:45am - 3:30pm FULL DAY) (Half-Day Kinder 8:45-11:30)

School Supply Lists
Click below to review the 24-25 Kaneland school supply lists:
1st-5th Grade (English)
1st-5th Grade (Spanish)

School Hours
  • First Bell 8:45
  • Tardy Bell 8:50 - If your child is Tardy, you must walk them into the front office
  • AM Kindergarten Dismissal 11:30
  • Walker/Car Rider Dismissal 3:25
  • Busser Dismissal 3:30
Main Office Hours 7:45 am - 4:00 pm
*Students cannot be dropped off any earlier than 8:40 am as there is no supervision

Prepaid Milk
It is time to order prepaid milk for the 2024-2025 school year. Prepaid milk may be purchased for the entire school year or by semester. Milk may be purchased online through your parent portal on Infinite Campus.

Full year (Aug 2024 – May 2025) $84 per student
1st semester only (August 14th -December 20th) $42 per student (You will have an opportunity to purchase milk for 2nd semester at a later date)

All orders are due on or before Friday, August 16, 2024. No later orders will be accepted. Milk service will begin on the first day of school. As always, milk is available for purchase on a daily basis for 50 cents.

Teacher Assignments Released - Friday, August 2nd
For all students, teacher assignments will be available on your child's Infinite Campus portal by the end of the day on Friday, August 2nd.
If you have yet to receive communication outlining the steps to creating and accessing your child's Infinite Campus portal, please get in touch with the main office at 630-365-8170

*NEW* Free/Reduced Lunch Application
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications for the 2024/2025 school year are now available at to those students who qualify based on their Income, SNAP, TANF, or Income Eligible Medicaid Status.

If you qualified for one of these during the 2023/2024 school year, your lunch benefits will carry over for 30 school days.

Help Wanted!
We have an immediate opening for a Lunch Monitor
If you are interested or would like to gain more information, please get in touch with Mr. Tankersley 

You can also complete an online application via the link below.

Drop off and Pick Up Procedures
  1. Cell phone use in a school zone, including the parking lots, is prohibited by law
  2. Be sure to note the signage at the entrance to the main parking lot
  3. Cars should refrain from entering/exiting the main parking lot when buses are present, including from approximately 8:35-8:50 am and 3:15-3:35 pm. All drop-offs/pickups should occur in the west lot.
  4. Students are not allowed to walk through the front parking lot when buses are present
  5. They should cross the crosswalk with the crossing guard.
  6. When heading west on Prairie Valley Street, cars are prohibited from turning left into either parking lot during student arrival and dismissal. 
Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up
  • Use the West lot
  • Follow the route in the picture BELOW
  • Pull all the way forward before allowing your child to exit or enter the car
  • Children should enter/exit on the curbside only
  • Remain in your car if using the drop-off/pick-up lane
  • If you would like to walk your child up, park in a designated spot and use the marked crosswalk
  • Refrain from pulling around cars that are unloading children
  • Model respectful, patient, and positive interactions for students
  • Allow extra time to get to your destination when using the crowded lot

Parent Zone For Waving
To maintain the safety of our students and staff, we are asking parents not to walk up to the entrance doors with their children. Please stop at the sidewalk where the sign "Students Only Beyond This Point" is located and say your goodbyes there. Think of it like the “kiss and ride or fly zones” you would see at train stations and airports. This minimizes unknown adults from being around children or entering the building. It gives staff and students a clear path to their entrance destination 

First Day of School
On the first day of school WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th, all of our students meet in front of the school at their assigned door. 
4th/5th Grade - Door 12
Kinder/3rd Grade - Door 1
1st/2nd Grade - Door 2
We have adults who will help your child find your teacher. All students walk in together. The PTN will have a Card My Yard Sign that you could use to get a picture of your child’s first day. We ask that parents remain in the parent waiting area and not wait at the front of the building.

While You Wait Podcast
We are live! The Kaneland 302 Seconds Podcast is out there! New episodes starting in August! Release the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each week at 2:50 for 6-12 and 3:00 for EC-5.

Each podcast ends with a secret phrase to send if you listened to this email for a raffle: Podcast site:


2024-2025 School Calendar

Please click HERE to view the 2024-2025 Kaneland School Calendar.
Access the links below to subscribe to our district calendars that include all events throughout the school year.

Ways to Stay Connected

Kaneland Cares Closet
The Care Closet is still available this year for any family who is struggling with basic necessities. 
See the link below for more information: Cares Closet

Here is the Amazon link if you'd rather have items directly sent

💖 Mrs. Aversa & Mr. Tankersley 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Special Edition - Welcome Kindergarten Families 2024

Dear Kindergarten Parent(s) and Guardians,

Welcome to Kaneland John Stewart Elementary!  What an exciting time for you and your child!  The staff and I look forward to working with you throughout this school year to ensure that your child has a positive and rewarding school experience.

Front Office Staff
Mrs. Samantha Aversa - Principal 
Mr. Keith Tankersley - Assistant Principal at John Stewart and Blackberry Creek
Ms. Ashley Jeager - Principal Secretary 
Mrs. Jessica Bottorff - Attendance Secretary 

For the upcoming school year, Kaneland John Stewart will run three extended-day kindergarten classrooms, with half-day students throughout all three classrooms. Mrs. Lori Doll, Mrs. Lisa Druwe, and Mrs. Alicia Hardy are our fabulous kindergarten teachers this year.  The core and half-day classes will run in the AM from 8:45 - 11:30 am.  Extension and enrichment activities for extended-day students will take place in the afternoon. 

Specific classroom assignments are made based on the desire to keep classroom characteristics equitable, current enrollment information, specific needs of individual students, and registration in extended-day programming.  You can find out who your child's teacher is on August 2nd in the Infinite Campus App

Infinite Campus

If you have not downloaded the Infinite Campus app, please do but you can also access the IC system at This is an extremely important tool for parents to see all of their child’s school information, payments, fees, emergency contact information, etc.  

Kindergarten Orientation/Supply Drop Off 

Kindergarten orientation/supply drop off for you and your child will take place on Thursday, August 8th from 4-6pm at John Stewart Elementary.  Please enter the main doors - door 1 

4:00-4:30 pm Principal chat in MPR with guardians to review important information regarding starting school.  Kindergarten students play outside on the playground with teacher support

4:30-5:00 pm Supply drop-off in the classroom with guardians and kindergarteners. Teachers will share the curriculum for families to review on their own time.

5:00-5:30 pm Self-guided school tour/scavenger hunt (Optional for families to complete)

*Please do NOT bring other siblings. We want to make this a special event for our kindergarten students

Kindergarten Supply List 

At orientation, you will receive an identification tag for your child to wear on his or her backpack to school for the first few weeks.  The color and information on the tag will enable staff to guide your child to the appropriate destinations throughout the school, including which bus to board at the end of the day.  Transportation information can be found on the Infinate Campus App in early August. If the transportation information is incorrect or needs to be changed please let your teacher or the front office know.  If your child takes a bus, ALL Kindergarten bus stops require an adult when be present at drop-off to release the student.  In the event that you will not be able to attend orientation, please contact the school office to arrange the pick up of your child's identification tag. 

If you have forms to turn in, this is a great night to drop any forms to the office.

The opportunity to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences for the upcoming school year will also be available during your visit, so please make sure to bring your calendar.

Our classroom teachers will also be joined by a few other teachers who support our children. Your kindergartener might also talk about Ms. Gecek and Mrs. Ford who provide interventions and special education supports with our kindergarten team in addition to a few other teachers in the building.

Exploratory Classes
Each day your kindergartener will go to an exploratory class and your teacher will have a schedule for your information at orientation:

Music - Mrs. Kunstman
Art - Mrs. Gregg
PE - Mr. Biddle & Mr. Mansour
Critical Thinking - Ms. Maz (Mazurkiewicz)
Computer - Ms. Svihlik
Library - Mrs. Steers

I found that asking your child about what exploratory class they went to was a great way to begin talking about their day.

Please have dental, vision, and physical forms turned in by the first day of school. If you have specific questions, you can reach out to our nurse, Ms. Barb Scott at OR

School Hours
First Bell 8:45
Tardy Bell 8:50 - If your child is Tardy, you must walk them into the front office
AM Kindergarten Dismissal 11:30
Walker/Car Rider Dismissal 3:25
Busser Dismissal 3:50

Main Office Hours 7:45 am - 4:00 pm

*Students cannot be dropped off any earlier than 8:40 am as there is no supervision

Before and After School Child Care Options
We have the CARE program that is run through the Sugar Grove Park District. You can register through their website:

This is offered to any student who attends full-day school and for half-day kindergarteners before school starts. SGPD also offers some day off activities during times when there is no school.

Lunch & Milk
If your child is enrolled in Extended Day Kindergarten, they will eat lunch at school. Parents will need to pack a lunch for their child each day. We are a cold lunch school. Milk is available for purchase and can be done by the semester or for the full year. Please go to Infinite Campus to make that purchase.

Drop off and Pick Up Procedures
  • Cell phone use in a school zone, including the parking lots, is prohibited by law
  • Be sure to note the signage at the entrance to the main parking lot
  • Cars should refrain from entering/exiting the main parking lot when buses are present, including from approximately 8:30-8:50 am and 3:15-3:35 pm. All drop-offs/pickups should occur in the west lot.
Students are not allowed to walk through the front parking lot when buses are present. They should cross the crosswalk with the crossing guard.                           
When heading west on Prairie Valley Street, cars are prohibited from turning left into either parking lot during student arrival and dismissal. *This sign has been a bit obscured by an overgrown tree. The Village of Elburn is aware and ensures the trees are trimmed back   

Student Drop-Off/Pick-Up
  • Use the West lot
  • Follow the route in the picture BELOW
  • Pull all the way forward before allowing your child to exit or enter the car
  • Children should enter/exit on the curbside only
  • Remain in your car if using the drop-off/pick-up lane
  • If you would like to walk your child up, park in a designated spot and use the marked crosswalk
  • Refrain from pulling around cars that are unloading children
  • Model respectful, patient, and positive interactions for students
  • Allow extra time to get to your destination when using the crowded lot

Parent Zone For Waving
In the past, parents would walk their students to the main entrance of the building to send them off for the day. To maintain the safety of our students and staff, we are asking parents not to walk up to the entrance with their children. Please stop at the sidewalk and say your goodbyes there. Think of it like the “kiss and ride or fly zones” you would see at train stations and airports.

First Day of School
On the first day of school WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th, all of our students meet in front of the school (Door 1) with their teacher. We have adults who will help your child find your teacher. All students walk in together. The PTN will have a Card My Yard Sign that you could use to get a picture of your child’s first day. We ask that parents remain in the parent waiting area and not wait at the front of the building.

Ways to Stay Connected
Facebook - Please like and follow for exciting news, pictures, and videos
Stewart Scoop Newsletter - Please bookmark this blog - these are bi-monthly newsletters
PTN Emails - email to get on that list

More information will be shared at the Kindergarten Orientation night but wanted to give you a little bit now. We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday, August 8th at 4pm


Samantha Aversa


Kaneland John Stewart Elementary School

Friday, May 31, 2024

Summer Scoop Newsletter

Important Dates:

June 3 - Summer Office Hours Begin

July 8 - August 1 - Summer School @ Blackberry Creek (KBK)

August 8 - Kindergarten Orientation & Supply Drop Off 4:00 - 6:00 pm

August 12 - 1st - 5th Grade Curriculum Night & Supply Drop off 4:00 - 6:00 pm

August 14 - First Day of School

Welcome Mr. Tankersley as the new Assistant Principal!

As we know, Mrs. Salto is the new principal at John Shields in Sugar Grove and Mr. Tankersley will be joining us next year. Here is a quick note from him!

Dear John Stewart Families,

I want to introduce myself as the Assistant Principal of John Stewart and BlackBerry Creek for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Last year I was the Assistant Principal at Blackberry Creek and McDole Elementary schools. I am excited about the opportunity to get to know, learn from, and support staff, students, families, and the John Stewart community this year.

Thank you,  Mr. T

Tips for preventing 'summer slide'

Since our School Improvement Goal was focused on writing this year and will be part of next year's goal too, here is how to continue to Support Writing at Home
In a small notebook, have your child(ren) write just one or two sentences each day during the summer, in their own “One Line a Day” summer journal.

Habits are built through consistency, starting small and gradually building up. A little bit of writing is better than no writing, and a little bit of writing every day adds up to a whole lot of writing by the end of the summer. Plus, as students build their daily writing habits, they might decide to use two (or more) pages some days if they have something especially meaningful to write about.You can also teach students how to write a letter to family members, address an envelope, and mail it!

Here are some ideas to help students retain those skills they worked so hard to learn.

At the grocery store, have your student:
  • Write down the grocery list
  • Read signs throughout the store
  • Weigh produce
  • Use a calculator to add up the grocery bill as you go
  • Compare multiple items/sizes/quantities to determine the best deal
  • Count the number of items in the cart

In the kitchen, use cooking and baking for your kids to practice numbers and math:
  • Measure the size of the pan needed
  • Add items together or subtract what you are going to use
  • Read recipes out loud
  • Measure both dry and liquid ingredients
  • Count the number of ingredients
  • Cut fruits and vegetables into specific sizes, such as 1/2 of an apple or 1/4 of a banana
  • Read about healthy eating at sites like MyPlate
  • Calculate nutrient intake such as calories or protein
  • Divide foods into portions at meals

In the car, whether it's a short or long trip, have your kids:
  • Practice spelling by doing a spelling bee
  • Run through math facts like counting by twos or multiplication tables
  • Spot objects that begin with each letter of the alphabet
  • Read road signs and billboards out loud
  • Practice directions like turn left or turn south
  • Turn off the verbal prompts on a map app and read directions out loud
  • Listen to kid-oriented podcasts on topics like science, space or mysteries

At the park, participate in the park's built-in learning to:
  • Look for and identify different leaves, trees, rocks, insects, clouds, wildflowers and weeds.
  • Sign up for other free programs that capture their interest.
  • Research the name of the park and where it came from.

At the community library, kids can explore these free resources:
  • Check out the various clubs, programs and reading options offered
  • Choose something new like comic books, magazines, cookbooks or music recordings
  • Visit the library's exhibits and special events
  • Sign up for summer reading challenges
  • Do an in-depth study of a person, place or event in history

On a trip or vacation, whether for a weekend or week, open up a world of new experiences and learning by:
  • Researching where you're going, what there is to do, the history of the place, how you'll get there and more
  • Letting them plot your travels on a paper map that you download and print
  • Having them keep track of the miles, fuel use and costs
  • Creating a photo album of experiences and findings big and small
  • Writing and sending postcards

At home, try some of these activities to spark learning:
  • Play board and card games, do jigsaw puzzles, do word puzzles like crosswords and sudoku.
  • Buy an inexpensive outdoor thermometer and rain gauge to keep track of weather events and compare findings with professional meteorologists
  • Learn a new skill like cursive writing, coding or knitting via the internet or books
  • Become a pen pal with a family member or friend, and write and send paper letters or practice typing skills by sending email messages
  • Plan a backyard scavenger hunt; older kids can do this on their own
  • Start a book club or book swap in your neighborhood
  • Create a scrapbook of the summer with photos, writing and found items

Summer Office Hours

The office will be open over the summer Monday - Thursday 8:00am - 3:00pm. The office is closed on Fridays starting June 7th. If these times do not work for you, please call the office to make a personalized appointment with Ms. Jaeger. Ms. Jaeger, Principal Secretary works all summer. I, Mrs. Aversa do not work during the month of July. If you need assistance from us, please feel free to call or email. (630) 365-8170

School Toolbox - Reasons to get School Toolbox
  • Name brand supplies
  • It's local 
  • Get quality items from brands you trust 
  • Pre-packaged in the exact quantities students need
  • Supplies guaranteed all school year
  • No shoddy folders or dead pens — if it doesn't last, we'll replace it
  • Ordering takes about 5 minutes
Summer's fleeting — spend it somewhere other than the checkout line. Packed from your school's list. Start the first day with just what their teachers requested — no guesswork required


Type in school: Kaneland John Stewart

2024-2025 Supply List

Kindergarten Supply List

First - Fifth Grade Supply List

Student Chromebooks

Over the summer months, students in 2nd - 5th grade keep their Chromebooks and chargers at home. Students are able to access educational programs until late July when the systems switch over. Please keep them safe and charged, ready to be used next school year.

Summer School Board Meetings
June 24, July 29, August 12, August 26 (7 pm @ KHMS)

New Teacher Information
Your child's new teacher information will be released the first week of August in Infinite Campus...more information to come.  

Have a wonderful and safe summer!
💗 Mrs. Aversa

Summer Image Designed by Freepik

Mid-September Newsletter

IMPORTANT DATES: Wednesday, September 18 - Fun Lunch Reams Hot Dogs Thursday, September 19 - Barnes & Nobles Bookfair and Knight Out 4-7...