Tuesday, October 1, 2019

October News

Principal's Message~ 
As we head into October, we are nearing the completion of all of our fall safety drills. Our recent fire drill was deemed one of the most successful we've ever had. Our students exited the building in record time and did so very quietly. Representatives from the Fire Department were quite impressed with the student's performance. Our tornado drill training was, unfortunately, tested during a real tornado warning being issued seconds before buses were set to depart. Our students demonstrated exemplary behavior as they were ushered off buses and back into the safety of the building. They remained calm and safe, were creative in how to use their time while waiting and followed all staff directions. Bus evacuation drills were completed last week with similar levels of responsibility on the part of the students. An intruder drill is scheduled for October 22nd. You should have received a letter from the district regarding the ALICE philosophy we will be expanding into our elementary schools this year. A copy of the letter can be found here: Alice Parent Letter.pdf  Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about any of our safety drills. 

In regards to student safety, there are several things you can do to support our efforts. Adhering to student arrival and drop-off procedures in and around the parking lots is immensely helpful. Small things like using your turn signal, avoiding turning left into the lot, crossing only at the designated cross-walks and having your child exit your vehicle on the curbside only model safe school behaviors to children and reinforces our overall safety messages. A complete copy of arrival and dismissal procedures can be found HERE. Below you will read about procedures to ensure a positive Halloween celebration. Your understanding and adherence to these expectations is greatly appreciated. Safety protocols are rarely convenient, but worth their weight in gold. It truly takes a village and we are so very grateful for ours!

                                                                                                        ~Laura Garland, Principal


Important Upcoming Dates

  • October 2nd- Walk to School Day
  • October 7th- Homecoming Assembly
  • October 7th- 11th Sprit Week
  • October 8th- K-2 Fire Prevention Assembly
  • October 9th- Fun Lunch- Potbellys
  • October 10th- Dusti Bowling Author Visit at Harter Middle School -7pm                                                        *Open to All Kaneland Families*
  • October 11th- Kaneland High School Homecoming Football Game - 7pm
  • October 14th- No School - Columbus Day
  • October 15th- PTN Meeting at 6:30pm
  • October 16th- Picture Re-Takes
  • October 16th- 4th Grade Field Trip
  • October 16th- Board of Education Meeting- 7pm- Harter Middle School
  • October 18th and 19th- PTN Fall Clothing Sale
  • October 22nd- ALICE- Intruder Drill
  • October 23rd- Fun Lunch- Paisanos
  • October 24th- PTN Kindergarten and 1st Grade Spaghetti Dinner
  • October 25th- PTN Family Movie Night
  • October 28th- Board of Education Meeting- 7pm- Harter Middle School
  • October 31st- Halloween Parties 2:30pm                                                                                                               Halloween Parade 3:10pm
Spirit Week- October 7th-11th
Please feel free to participate in whichever of our upcoming spirit days that you'd like. 

Monday- Sports Day
Tuesday- Class Color Day
                  K: Purple
                  1st: Red
                  2nd: Orange
                  3rd: Yellow
                  4th: Green
                   5th: Blue
Wednesday- Hat and Sunglass Day
Thursday- Crazy Hair Day 
Friday- Knights Spirit Wear

Should you have any questions or concerns related to busing, please be sure to contact the transportation department at 630-365-5111 x71145. The school office closes at 4:00pm and we are not always available in situations involving a late bus. The transportation department remains staffed until the last bus returns and will be your best bet for addressing bus needs after hours.

Car Riders
Please be sure car riders are exiting card from the sidewalk side only. Please do not allow your child to exit your vehicle on the parking lot side due to the amount of traffic moving throughout the lot. Also, drivers, please remember that cars are prohibited from turning left off of Prairie Valley into our lot during arrival and dismissal and cell phone use is prohibited. We have asked the Elburn PD to increase monitoring of this area. Finally, be sure to use your turn signal if you are planning to turn right into the lot. Anticipating what driver's plan to do is challenging for our crossing guards if turn signals are not used.

IAR Assessments (Illinois Assessment of Readiness)
Current 4th and 5th-grade students took this assessment last spring. Score reports have arrived in the district and will be distributed to students via backpacks on Friday, October 4th. Please be on the lookout for this information. 

Halloween Celebrations
Celebrating holidays and events at school are fun times to create wonderful memories. Over the years, we have learned the importance of having clear protocols in place to ensure events remain safe and enjoyable for all involved. While we try to remain as flexible and open as possible, the following "rules" have proven to be essential in maintaining positive celebrations. Please be sure to review the following: 

  • Costumes- Our students are allowed to wear costumes to school, provided they are appropriate for the school environment. We have a responsibility in an elementary school, with young children, to make sure all students feel safe at all times, therefore weapons, gore, blood, etc. are prohibited. The staff will use their professional judgment to determine if an element of a costume or a costume itself creates a negative impact to the learning environment for any student, at any grade level within the school. If a costume is deemed inappropriate, the child will be asked to remove it. Masks will be allowed during the parade only, provided the child has a clear line of vision while wearing the mask. 
  • Parties- All classrooms will have a Halloween party from 2:30-3:00pm. Only those parents signed up in advance, through the Homeroom Coordinator, are permitted in the classrooms during parties. Parents volunteering within the classroom are prohibited from bringing younger siblings along. While we understand the inconvenience they may create, being able to direct one's full attention to students when in the classroom is essential. The district policy on not providing food to students applies during parties as well. Please do not send in food to be distributed to your child's classroom, as it breaks our hearts to have to ask the student to bring their treats back home when they've become so excited to distribute them.   
  • Parade-  Our Halloween parade takes place at approximately 3:10ish. As parties wrap up, students will begin to line up in their costumes in preparation for the annual parade. Parents are encouraged to line the front walkway and around the flagpole to watch as each classroom parades out the door on the front, east side of the building, down the sidewalk, around the flagpole and back into the building through the door on the front, west end of the building. 
  • Student Pick-Up- Please, please be sure to send your child to school with a note if their end of day transportation plans will be altered from their normal routine, for example, a parent will be taking them home vs. the student riding their regular bus route. Parents picking up students at the end fo the day should wait by the flagpole for their student to be dismissed, rather than entering the building. All pick-up rules apply on holidays, particularly not entering the front lot while buses are present, and crossing Prairie Valley only at the crosswalk. 
Now after all that......Let's have a safe, fun and happy Haloween! :)

Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences will take place on Wednesday, November 6th from 4-8pm and Thursday, November 7th from 10am-8pm. THERE IS NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th or FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th. 

Dusti Bowling Author Visit
Join us at Harter Middle School on October 10th at 7pm for an evening with Bluestem and Caudill award-nominated author Dusti Bowling! You’re invited to join us for a 60-minute presentation where Dusti speaks a little about herself and her lifelong love of reading. Writing tips will be shared with the students and she’ll also discuss her path to becoming a published author while recommending her favorite middle-grade books—both current and classic. More information can be found HERE

Pay it Forward~ Kaneland Community Read


This blog is dedicated to a community-wide sharing of the book Pay It Forward.  Throughout the school year, Kaneland Staff from across the district will be posting videos and updates on this blog sharing their thoughts, ideas, connections to the community. Families are also encouraged to also post comments and videos sharing the impact of the book and how they have chosen to Pay It Forward. To begin your family's journey, start by reading pages 1-26 and watch our first video.  We are excited to work together on our community read! 

January Newsletter

Important Dates January 6 School resumes 9 Five Schools, One Book Assembly 13 Fun Lunch Orders DUE  (please note the date change) 14 Distric...