Monday, August 31, 2020

September News

Picture Day is Here

We have a new picture company that we will be working with this school year - Josten’s Pix. Please click here for the 2020 Fall Portrait Information for Hybrid Families.  B day students have already taken their pictures. Please see the schedule below: 

Wednesday, September 2nd - A Day students

Wednesday, September 30th - Picture Retakes for B Day Students

Wednesday, October 7th - Picture Retakes for A Day Students 

Remote Student Picture Day

We are excited to announce that we have secured a picture day for our remote students at our Meredith Campus on Wednesday, September 16th from 9:00-3:00. This day will be asynchronous learning to accommodate families wanting to get their pictures taken. Attached is the link to sign up. Each 10-minute time slot can hold 15 students.


We are asking if you choose to get your child’s picture taken, that you self-certify your child for COVID-19 before coming to the Meredith Campus. If you do not, we will need to screen you upon arrival and this can cause our picture schedule to be delayed. Masks are also required to enter the building. Students will only take it off to have their picture taken.


Here is the link for self-certification-


Typically at the start of any school year, we complete a reading assessment called Rigby on all students. This helps us to guide our instruction to meet the needs of all our learners. We are making staff available on September 16th to assess our remote learners after their school pictures at the Meredith Campus, if you feel comfortable in doing so. We will be adhering to all the safety measures that are put in place at all of our schools. If you don’t feel comfortable, we have a Zoom option available that day or the option to set up another time that is convenient for you. We would like to get all of our remote learners assessed at some point this fall.


In order to help prepare for this day, please complete the following Remote Picture Day and Reading Assessments form by Friday, September 11th.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Aversa at

Hybrid Learning Calendar

Hybrid Fall Learning Calendar



Please continue to practice self-certification daily. It really helps make our entrance to school smoother when we know that students have already been asked questions by their parents. THANK YOU for your help!



Wednesday Schedule

September 2 - A Day

September 9 - A day (due to Labor day)

September 16 - B day

September 23 - A day

September 30 - B Day


Helpful Information

  • Please remember that on application days, we expect to see your child's work, not an adult or older sibling. Thank you for your continued support however, we need to see what your child(ren) can do so we can best support them! 

  • We are busy gathering data for students as we always do at the beginning of the school year. RtI services will not begin until closer to October.

  • If you haven't already - set up expectations for at-home learning. Create a specific space for this to take place, come dressed for school, and limit distractions - especially no TV.


Parents Do You Need Help or Assistance 

Are you or your child in need of help as a remote learner or during your application day? We have some help for you! Our Instructional Coaches are available and ready to assist. Select THIS LINK to find the time to meet with them.


Visit for any help you need, the middle of the page has a bright blue bar with several tabs to get the help you need!

Also, Check out these helpful Parent Support Videos put together by our Instructional Coaches!! Please feel free to share with other Kaneland Elementary Parents.    Parent Support Videos


AM Crossing Guard Needed

We are in need of an AM Crossing Guard (8:25 - 8:55).  We can also always use substitutes in the lunchroom and at recess - if you are interested, please let Mrs. Aversa or Mrs. Ward know by calling 630-365-8170 or emailing



Follow us on Facebook

There are often updates through our school Facebook Page - Kaneland John Stewart. If you don't already, please follow us on Facebook. Thank you!



Coronavirus Updates

Kaneland continually updates the district website as more information is provided about the Coronavirus. Please see the link to read more about this topic: Coronavirus Information

Thank you again for all your continued support!! 


Samantha Aversa - Principal

January Newsletter

Important Dates January 6 School resumes 9 Five Schools, One Book Assembly 13 Fun Lunch Orders DUE  (please note the date change) 14 Distric...