Friday, January 15, 2021

Mid-January Edition

 Handy Information

Hybrid Fall Learning Calendar

Kaneland CUSD Phase 4 Full Remote Plan

UPDATED Kaneland Fall 2020 A/B Learning Calendar

District Calendar 2020-2021

Big picture

No School January 18, 2021

On Monday, January 18th we will not have school - synchronous or asynchronous. With so many days off this past year, I'd like to challenge our families to find a way to serve others - safely, of course. While volunteering at food banks and such might not be something people feel safe doing at this time, check out these child-friendly and socially distant ways you could serve:

  • pick up garbage in the neighborhood
  • shovel the sidewalk or driveway of a neighbor or someone you know who could use a hand
  • write an uplifting note and send it to a distant friend, relative, or nursing home
  • Share a picture or note with our local public services - fire, police, and community services are all things we are grateful for and only remember when they don't work
  • We have some amazing small businesses that have worked creatively to stay open - patronize them and share with others what a treasure they are for our community.
  • Check in with your local place of worship or with local philanthropies like the Elburn Lions - I'm sure they have ways you can get involved and give back to this wonderful community.

My guess is that many of you have read the list and have done or already doing many of these ideas - a big THANK YOU for making our community strong by supporting one another. You'll find your children are watching and learning from the example you set!

Congratulations to ALL of our 4th and 5th Grade Spellers

Top Four Spellers: Winner - Addison
1st Place - Colette, 2nd Place - Maddox, 3rd Place - Braden 
(Please check the John Stewart Elementary Facebook Page for more pictures from today's event)

Hybrid learner Wednesday schedule for January Kindergarten-5th grade

January Wednesdays:

1-20: A Day (due to Monday holiday)

1-27: B Day

February Wednesday Schedule:

2-3: A day

2-10: Asynchronous learning K-5

2-17: A day

2-24: B day

Big picture

Wear It Wednesday

Think of this as a spirit week throughout the year. Feel free to participate whether you are at home learning or at school learning. We will post a reminder on our school Facebook page each week. Here is a sneak peek of the upcoming Wednesday events.

1/20/21 - Mismatch clothes day - A day

1/27/21 - Western Wear (Cowboy/cowgirl) - B day

2/3/21 - College Day - A day

2/10/21 - Show the Love Day - dress in red, white, hearts (Asynchronous learning K-5)

2/17/21 - Disney and Marvel Day - A day

2/24/21 - Sports Day - B day

Valentine's Day Parties

Our school will celebrate Valentine's day on February 11 for A day students and February 12 for B day students. This will be similar to our Halloween festivities in that the classroom teachers will infuse Valentine Day activities into the curriculum. We WILL NOT be trading Valentine Day cards or passing out other candy and trinkets.

Incoming Kindergarten Registration

February 20th we will be holding Kindergarten registration. It will look very different this year! It will be held at the home school your child is attending and is focusing solely on registration. Packets of information will be shared for enrichment activities that are typically found at the fair. A Sign-Up Genius will be coming out to have assigned times to ensure distance protocols and allow each family the time needed. This is not something your child needs to attend. Be on the lookout for more information.

This date is also a time that people interested in the preschool program can share their interests with us.


The following has been sent out to families since the beginning of the school year. Our goal is to keep our students IN school to learn - it works when EVERYONE follows these procedures.

Each student attendance day, we will be requiring families to self-certify that their child is healthy and not exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms. It is imperative that if your child is displaying symptoms they stay home and follow the IDPH guidelines. Student (parent) self-certification that will be REQUIRED to complete each school no later than 8am. We would like for parents to login and try it out - some families have shared they will set an alarm to remind them daily on their phone.

  1. Please use this Self Certification web site at and login using your Tyler Parent Email and Password.

  2. Once you are logged in, for each of your students please read the screening questions to determine if your student meets the criteria and is healthy to come to school each day.

    1. You will select No to each of the questions if your student is healthy and ready to come to school.

    2. You will select Yes for any of the questions if your student is experiencing any of the symptoms related to COVID-19.

    3. Once you make your selection, please click Submit. When you select No, the app will present you with a Green Pass; When you select Yes, a Warning will be displayed indicating that your student should not attend a school that day.

    4. If you selected No, you will have the opportunity to print a pass for your student if she/he will not have a device when entering the building (see below)

2) Students will NOT be required to show the pass (electronic or paper copy) each day. Staff members will have a list of students that need to certify (because they did not complete the certification by 8:00 a.m.) and will use the list to verify that each student is healthy each day.

IDPH Guidance will be used to assist the School District in guiding students and staff in the event of illness. The flowchart would utilize a Time-Based, Symptom-Based, or physician-based strategy to

allow re-admittance to school/work. CDC, IDPH, ISBE, Local, State, and Federal

guidelines would be followed in the event of illness onset while at school/work. If there

are any questions on Covid-19 Exclusion, please contact Dr. Adkins at

Coronavirus Updates

Kaneland continually updates the district website as more information is provided about the Coronavirus. Please see the link to read more about this topic: Coronavirus Information

May Newsletter

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