Monday, April 5, 2021

April News

Welcome Back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Spring Break. We are so excited to see the students again and to finish out the year strong!! Here are a few reminders as we transition back to school.  

Parking Lot Procedures

Just a few reminders as there will be an increase in traffic at our school with all in-person students returning.  Your patience and adherence to our policies would be greatly appreciated in a smooth drop-off and pick-up routine. 

All parents dropping off or picking up their child(ren) should use the west parking lot only. The main lot is reserved for buses during arrival and dismissal times. No cars should enter the main lot during arrival and dismissal. 


FYI - Should you have any questions or concerns related to busing, please be sure to contact the transportation department at 630-365-5111 x71145. The school office closes at 4:00pm and we are not always available in situations involving a late bus. The transportation department remains staffed until the last bus returns and will be your best bet for addressing bus needs after hours.
Also, just a reminder that students may NOT bring home any student outside of their household on the bus in order to keep seating charts consistent. 

Car Riders
Please be sure car riders are exiting cars from the sidewalk side only. Please do not allow your child to exit your vehicle on the parking lot side due to the amount of traffic moving throughout the lot.  Parents do not get out of your car. If you do have to get out of your car to assist your child in exiting the vehicle, please make sure you park in a parking spot.  Please make sure everyone uses the crosswalk if parking. 

Please remember that cars are prohibited from turning left off of Prairie Valley into our lot during arrival and dismissal and cell phone use is prohibited. We have asked the Elburn PD to increase monitoring of this area. Finally, be sure to use your turn signal if you are planning to turn right into the lot. Anticipating what drivers plan to do is challenging for our crossing guards if turn signals are not used.

Our dismissal begins at 3:25pm. Both of our parking lots are typically empty by 3:35ish, making most delays due to the volume of cars and buses, relatively short. We ask that all parents continue to review the parking lot procedures found HERE.  

We kindly ask for your patience and compassion toward the staff members working to keep our parking lot safe for everyone during student arrival and dismissal. We recognize pulling all the way forward or waiting a few moments to pull away after picking up your child is not always convenient, but these simple actions support the greater goal of student safety. Please remember, the professional training and experience of the staff on "parking lot duty" is in the education field, not traffic control. They do their best each day and greatly appreciate positive feedback and demonstrations of grace. The hecticness of the parking lot during student arrival and dismissal is a perfect place to model kindness for our children. 


The following has been sent out to families since the beginning of the school year. Our goal is to keep our students IN school to learn - it works when EVERYONE follows these procedures.


Daily student attendance, we will be requiring families to self-certify that their child is healthy and not exhibiting any of the COVID-19 symptoms. It is imperative that if your child is displaying symptoms they stay home and follow the IDPH guidelines. Student (parent) self-certification that will be REQUIRED to complete each school no later than 8am. We would like for parents to login and try it out - some families have shared they will set an alarm to remind them daily on their phone.

  1. Please use this Self Certification website at and log in using your Tyler Parent Email and Password.

  2. Students will NOT be required to show the pass (electronic or paper copy) each day. Staff members will have a list of students that need to certify (because they did not complete the certification by 8:00 a.m.) and will use the list to verify that each student is healthy each day.


Please ensure that you or your child charges their device daily to come prepared with a fully charged device to school.  

PE / Recess Reminder

As spring weather varies in temperatures from day to day and morning to afternoon, please ensure that you are sending your child with different layers of clothing as they will be utilizing outdoor space more often for mask breaks, PE, and during their scheduled recess time. 

Important Dates

Tuesday, April 6th - Asynchronous Learning (please note the change from the originally scheduled date on 4/7)

Wednesday, April 7th - First Day ALL In-Person Learning and Remote Students Resume.

Thursday, April 8th - Virtual Open House Videos Shared with Families

Wednesday, April 28th - Asynchronous Learning for ALL Elementary Students

May Newsletter

May 1 Fun Lunch - Culvers 1 School Principal Appreciation Day 6-10 Teacher Appreciation Week 15 PTN Dine Out Night - Chipotle 17 5th Grade O...