Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Mid-September Newsletter

Staff Shout Outs

Our teachers have been working so hard this year and I wanted to give you (parents and guardians) the opportunity to share staff shoutouts with me.  Please email me Samantha Aversa ( with a short blurb about a teacher that has gone above and beyond for your student.   We will be doing this all year and I will share them at monthly faculty meetings.  Thank you so much for your continued support! 


Please send your child with extra masks in their backpack. Many disposable masks are getting broken or lost at the playground. Regular cotton masks are getting dirty/wet, a new mask would be helpful too.  Students are being asked and reminded to put their masks in their lunchbox, pocket, or wear it around their wrist while at the playground, however, they are still getting misplaced or broken we are still going through a large number of disposable masks here.  Thank you for your help! 

Fun Lunch Reminder

Four Days Left to Register!!! This year's fun lunch will be done with an online form only. Please click here to sign up for fun lunch. All signups and money are due by Sept. 20th, with no exceptions, you can pay with a check or credit card through Paypal.  Please read all the info on the form when filling it out.  If you have any questions please let the PTN know at 

Class Dojo in Exploratories

Dear Parents,

The Exploratory Team is using Class Dojo this year to monitor students’ behavior through whole-class, individual, positive and negative points. We have found Class Dojo to be motivating for students to earn points.  Students earn points in the following ways.

Commitment to Excellence - I can show my best effort. 

Respect -  I can be kind and I can follow expectations.

Responsibility - I can take care of classroom materials.

Transitions  - I can enter and exit the classroom quietly and I can walk between exploratory classes quietly.

To be able to see your child(ren)’s Class Dojo points use the following directions:

Click “Parent”

Click “Sign Up” (if you don’t already have an account) or “Log in here” if you already have an account.

Fill in your name, email and create a password.  Click “Sign Up” in the blue box.

Click “next” three times.

Click on “Search for your child’s teacher” in blue.

Click on Kaneland John Stewart Elementary School.

Then find one of the exploratory teachers -  Biddle, Gregg, Kuntsman, Mansour, Maz, or Svihlik

Type in your student’s name.

Click the blue rectangle.

Wait until the exploratory teacher accepts your request, then you will be able to view your child(ren)’s Dojo points.

- The Exploratory Team -

(Mr. Biddle, Mrs. Gregg, Mrs. Kunstman, Mr. Mansour, Ms. Maz, and Ms. Svihlik)

Need Lunch/Recess Monitors!!

We still need 2 more monitors at KST.  If you are interested, please CLICK HERE to apply! If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Aversa ( or Ms. Waller (

4th/5th Grade IAR

Last Spring Kaneland School District opted out of state testing (IAR- Illinois Assessment of Readiness).  During the Spring of 2021, the district did not want to utilize precious in-person learning time to take the state test.  The State of Illinois gave school districts the option to shift the IAR test from Spring 2021 to Fall 2021.  At this time, over the next few weeks, students in 4th -9th grade will be taking the IAR test from last Spring.  Your child will be taking an English Language Arts and Math test over a few days. The tests will take two and 1/2 days. 9/20 and 9/21-  one ELA and one math each day. 9/30- final math. The test is taken online through the use of Chromebooks in their classrooms. 

We thank you for supporting your child with a healthy breakfast and sleep to be prepared for the state testing.    Thank you! 

Important Dates

Tuesday, September 21st:  PTN Meeting 6pm KST Library 

Wednesday, September 29th:  Fun Lunch (Potbelly's)

Wednesday, September 29th: Homecoming Parade 6pm Maple Park 

Friday, October 1st: Homecoming Football Game at 7:30pm at Kaneland High School

October 4th - 8th: Fire Safety and Prevention Week

Monday, October 11th: No School

Wednesday, October 20th: Picture Retake Day

Wednesday, October 27th:  Fun Lunch (Reams)

Friday, October 29th:  Halloween Party/Parade (more information to come)

Mid-February Newsletter

February  Wednesday, 19th Fun lunch - Jersey Mikes & ACE (3:30-4:30) Thursday, 20th PTN meeting 6pm Wednesday, 26th ACE (3:30-4:30...