Saturday, February 1, 2025

February Newsletter

Tuesday, 4th   K-2 Dental Health Assemblies
Wednesday, 5th   Fun Lunch - Paisano's & ACE (3:30-4:30)
Thursday, 6th   4th Grade Field Trip to Naper Settlement
Friday, 7th   Kindergarten concert (9:00 - 9:30)
Saturday, 8th   Kindergarten Registration (25’-26’)
Wednesday, 12th   ACE (3:30-4:30) & Family Knight Out @ Paisano's
Friday, 14th   Valentines Classroom Parties & 
End of Trimester 2
Monday, 17th   No School - Presidents Day
Wednesday, 19th   Fun lunch - Jersey Mikes & ACE (3:30-4:30)
Thursday, 20th   PTN meeting 6pm
Wednesday, 26th   ACE (3:30-4:30)
Friday, 28th   No School - Kane County Teacher Institue Day

Wednesday, March 5th    Fun Lunch - Culvers
Friday, March 7th    PTN Family BINGO Night
Wednesday, March 19th    Fun Lunch - McCallisters
Thursday, March 20th    PTN Meeting 6pm
Tuesday, March 25th    5th Grade Choral Concert Field Trip (1:30-7:00pm)
Thursday, March 27th    Open House (5:00 - 7:00) 
No School - SPRING Break March 31 - April 7
Thursday, April 10   1st Grade Field Trip to DuPage Children's Museum

💌 Valentine’s Day Party - Friday, February 14th
First - Fifth Grade: 2:30-3:20
Kindergarten: 10:40-11:20

Valentine's Day Cards are encouraged but every student must bring enough for the entire class. No food or candy should be attached to Valentines.

Teachers will send more information about whether students need to bring in a Valentine's box or if one will be made in class. 

5 School, 1 Book Follow Up
Classroom teachers, please include a reminder for our families that there is still an opportunity to participate in the Culminating Project for 5 Schools, 1 Book. Click this link for more information and to possibly win a family literacy basket!
Show What You Know
Submit your Show What You Know story sharing your learning so far this year for a chance to be part of the winter raffle! Video a short description of something that you have learned and are excited to show what you know and send your celebration to this email Entries will be highlighted in Knightly News, KCN and on Social Media so please be sure to only use your first name and your school in your video. Please submit your first and last name, grade level and school in the email for your raffle entry! Let's celebrate our learning Kaneland and Show What We Know!

IAR Testing for 3rd - 5th Grade

IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) testing window for Kaneland will be from April 9 - 16. Make-ups will be given April 17 - 18. Fifth Grade students will also take the ISA (Illinois Science Assessment). 
We are starting to work with our students on how to navigate the assessments, along with reviewing some of the practice items provided to us. We want our students to do their best on the IAR assessments and preparing them ahead of time will help. Please encourage your child to do their best! More information will be shared once we get closer to our testing dates.

Feel free to utilize these calendars that include IAR comparative questions to practice. Students are completing at least 1 question each week in class.

Upcoming 5th Grade Dates - Preparing for Middle School

Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night (KHMS Cafe) 6:30 p.m.
Registration Form will be discussed & shared (also emailed)

Thursday, February 13, 2025
Instrument Placement Schedule (times are 1:30-3:15 @ KST)

Thursday, February 20, 2025
Incoming 6th Grade Registration @ KST
9:00-9:45 a.m. - KST

Wednesday, April 23, 2025 - KST to KHMS
5th Grade Tours (9:30-11:30 a.m.)

Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Step-Up Knight (Harter Gymnasium) 6:30-7:30 p.m.
For students and parents

Week of August 4, 2025
Jump Start

Restorative Practices
We are proud to say that restorative conferences are happening daily, and we can talk most students through conflict and avoid traditional, out-of-classroom punishments. We also work on repairing the harm so those involved can move on positively and productively. Students need to be in school and classrooms to learn and develop, so we will continue to employ restorative processes in this way. Please understand that in no way does this mean that we are unwilling to assign more significant consequences such as in-school or out-of-school suspensions, lunch detentions, etc. when necessary. It would be great if we lived in a world where these options weren’t necessary, but we recognize that punitive-type consequences are sometimes the right thing to do.

Here is an additional resource on how you can implement restorative practices at home.

Mid-February Newsletter

February  Wednesday, 19th Fun lunch - Jersey Mikes & ACE (3:30-4:30) Thursday, 20th PTN meeting 6pm Wednesday, 26th ACE (3:30-4:30...