November 6th- Fun Lunch- Burger King
Parent-Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
November 7th- No School for Students
Parent-Teacher Conferences 10am- 8pm
November 8th- No School
November 12th- Flag Raising Ceremony in honor of Veteran's Day- 8:55am- 9:15am
PTN Meeting- 6:30pm
November 15th- Report Cards Live at 4pm
November 20th- Fun Lunch- Reams
November 25th and 26th- No School- Teacher Institute Days
November 27th-29th- No School- Thanksgiving Break
A Message from the Exploratory Team
Similar to last year, the Exploratory Team is providing time on Friday, November 22nd, when students can choose which Exploratory class they would like to attend, rather than following their regular schedule. This is an incentive for those students who have exhibited a strength in following school and Exploratory class expectations. Any student who has received fewer than 3 Behavior Documentation Forms or fewer than 6 individual, negative Dojo points between October 1st and November 15th will be given the choice of Exploratory class for the day. Students not eligible for the choice will participate in a lesson focused on re-teaching of expectations. This information was reviewed with all students earlier this month. We look forward to celebrating student effort!
We're Hiring!
The district currently has several non-certified positions available. If you interest in joining the Kaneland CUSD #302 family, please take a look at our vacancy page HERE.
Parking Lot Safety
We continue to receive concerns regarding the lack of adherence to our parking lot procedures during student arrival and dismissal. These procedures are in place to keep students, staff, parents and younger siblings safe. Current support you could provide that would be of great help to us include not exiting your car if you are in the parent drop-off/pick-up line, refraining from making 3 point turns on Prairie Valley in front of the school while buses and cars are attempting to enter and/or leave the lots and not driving around other cars in the lot when attempting to expedite your own departure. All of these behaviors have a negative impact on the collective need to dismiss our students safely. Our dismissal begins at 3:25pm. Both of our parking lots are typically empty by 3:35ish, making most delays due to the volume of cars and buses, relatively short. We ask that all parents continue to review the parking lot procedures found HERE.
Winter Gear
Please know that students will go outside for their daily lunchtime recess when the wind chill is above 5 degrees. It is important to dress your children for the weather, particularly with this early dose of winter we're receiving. Coats, hats, gloves and boots are recommended. Boots and snow pants are required if your child wants to play in the snow. Also, remember to put your child's name in their items. Our lost and found becomes full of plain black snow pants very quickly!!
Lunchroom Reminder
Please be sure to pack a spoon/fork in your child's lunch. We do not have utensils available in the lunchroom.
Recommended Reading from Mrs. Zulkowski, RtI Reading Interventionist
Scholastic Book Fair
Each year during Parent-Teacher Conferences, we transform our library into the Scholastic Book Fair. Throughout the past week, students have visited the library with their class where they watched a video preview about the book fair. November 1st-6th, students will be able to preview the books and make Wish Lists during their homeroom library time. The Book Fair will be open for parents to purchase books during Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Book Fair Flyer
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences will take place on Wednesday, November 6th from 4:00pm to 8:00 pm and Thursday, November 7th from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. There is no school on Thursday, November 7th or Friday, November 8th. Conference sessions are 20 minutes in length. Please be sure to arrive promptly to help our teachers stay on schedule. With the change from quarterly to trimester reporting terms, report cards will not be distributed prior to conferences, as in years past. Report Cards will be available through Tyler on November 15th. The focus of the parent-teacher conference is to discuss goals for your child to work towards throughout the school year. Thank you in advance for your participation in parent-teacher conferences. Most parents find this opportunity a great way to jump-start their holiday shopping while supporting the school. The profits from the Book Fair go right back into the LRC through the purchase of additional books and other items.
Veteran's Day
Our annual Veteran's Day Flag Raising Ceremony will take place this year on Tuesday, November 12th at 8:50am. We are hoping to support our Veterans by not over-booking them for multiple ceremonies across town in one day. Families are welcome to join us at the flag pole for the ceremony. We plan to begin just before 9am and end around 9:20am.
Student Illness
As the winter weather appears, we are experiencing an increase in student illness. Please remember that students must be fever free for 24 hours prior to returning to school after an illness. We are working to insure that all classrooms are thoroughly cleaned each night and that students are being diligent in washing their hands.