Monday, December 2, 2019

December News

Important Upcoming Dates
December 4th- Fun Lunch- Ambrogis Chicken Strips
December 9th-13th- PTN Penguin Patch Holiday Shop
December 9th- Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm @ Harter Middle School
December 10th- PTN Meeting 6:30pm 
December 12th- Building-Based Spelling Bee @ 1:30pm 
December 13th- 1st Grade Musical Performance @ 2:45pm 
December 13th- PTN Holiday Hoopla (5:30pm) and Movie Night (6:30pm)
December 18th- Fun Lunch- Potbelly
December 19th- 1 Hour Early Dismissal
December 20th- Classroom Holiday Parties @ 1:30pm
December 20th- 1 Hour Early Dismissal

School Resumes January 6th

Parking Lot Safety
Please continue to review the parking lot procedures found HERE to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal for all students and staff.  

Winter Gear 
Please know that all students will go outside for their daily lunchtime recess when the wind chill is above 5 degrees. It is important to dress your children for the weather. Warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots, labeled with your child's name, are recommended. Boots and snow pants are required if your child wants to play in the snow. 

Holiday Parties
Thank you to all of our party volunteers. Parents who have signed up to volunteer are welcome to arrive at 1:20pm to set up. Students will be participating in a school-wide holiday sing-a-long in the gym, prior to returning to classrooms at 1:30pm. 

Please remember only parents who have signed up to volunteer, in advance, are permitted to attend classroom parties. If volunteering, be sure to park in a designated spot, rather than along the parent pickup lane. Additionally, per the elementary handbook, younger siblings are not permitted to attend classroom parties. 

Thank You KST PTN!
Thank you from the entire John Stewart staff for the delicious dinner provided during Parent-Teacher Conferences. Your thoughtfulness and generosity are greatly appreciated! 

5 Essentials Survey Parent Survey
The State of Illinois is once again providing a feedback opportunity through the 5 Essentials survey. This survey consists of 3 aspects- a parent survey, a student survey, and a staff survey. The parent survey link is available now and can be accessed HERE. All 4th and 5th-grade students will be taking the survey in their computer class, once the student link is released. Staff will be completing their survey during one of their morning collaboration times. We appreciate your time in completing the survey on behalf of Kaneland John Stewart Elementary School.

                                               A Special Thanks From our LRC! 

January Newsletter

Important Dates January 6 School resumes 9 Five Schools, One Book Assembly 13 Fun Lunch Orders DUE  (please note the date change) 14 Distric...