Important Upcoming Dates
February 5th- Fun Lunch- Hot Dogs
February 6th- ACE 3:30-5:00 pm
February 7th- Kindergarten Musical Performance 2:45 pm
February 10th- Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm Harter Middle SChool
February 11th- PTN Meeting 6:30 pm at John Stewart
February 13th- Valentine's Parties 9:30 am (1st-5th) 2:30 pm (Kinder.)
February 13th- ACE 3:30-5:00 pm
February 14th- No School- School Improvement Day
February 17th- No School President's Day
February 19th- Fun Lunch- Chicken Strips
February 20th- ACE 3:30-5:00 pm
February 22nd- Young Knight's Fair (Pre-School/ Kindergarten Registration)
February 24th- Board of Education Meeting 7:00pm Harter Middle SChool
February 27th- ACE 3:30-5:00 pm
February 28th- No School- Kane County Institute Day
Four Schools One Book
elementary schools, K through 5th grade, will be
reading the same book. On January 31st our
elementary students were introduced to
this new book for this school year. Parents, your
child came home on January 31st, with their very
own book to keep, along with a reading calendar and
vocabulary list.
Mary McGrory, Pulitzer award-winning journalist, noted the
following about common reading programs: “The idea is that
the city that opens the same book, closes it in greater harmony.
”We can’t wait to see how the extraordinary story that was chosen
will impact our students and inspire lifelong readers in our school
community. The adventure awaits!
Student Advocacy
Student advocacy is alive at KST! As part of our district-wide improvement plan, teachers and students have been focusing on developing self-advocacy skills. We have defined student advocacy as respectfully speaking up for what they need in order to be successful in the classroom. Students have been reflecting on their learning needs and trying out how they can communicate those needs to their teachers. You can support your child at home by having discussions with them about how they can advocate for themselves here at school. We look forward to supporting your child and helping them learn best at KST!
Parking Lot Safety
Please continue to review the parking lot procedures found HERE to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal for all students and staff.
PLEASE encourage your children to use the crosswalk to cross Prairie Valley and we respectfully request that all adults also use the crosswalk as a way to model safety for our students. Also, please remember that no parents should be using the front parking lot to pick up their children. This lot is reserved for buses during arrival and dismissal times.
PLEASE encourage your children to use the crosswalk to cross Prairie Valley and we respectfully request that all adults also use the crosswalk as a way to model safety for our students. Also, please remember that no parents should be using the front parking lot to pick up their children. This lot is reserved for buses during arrival and dismissal times.
Winter Gear
Please know that all students will go outside for their daily lunchtime recess when the wind chill is above 5 degrees. It is important to dress your children for the weather. Warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots, labeled with your child's name, are recommended. Boots and snow pants are required if your child wants to play in the snow.
Valentine's Parties
As a reminder, we will be experimenting with a morning party time this Valentine's Day. Our hope is to alleviate some of the end of day traffic woes that we experience on party days. Parties in grades 1-5 will be at 9:30 am. Kindergarten parties will remain at 2:30 pm to accommodate our afternoon kindergarten class.
Thank you to all of our party volunteers. Parents who have signed up to volunteer will be asked to remain in the office until the 9:30am or 2:30 pm party time.
Please remember only parents who have signed up to volunteer, in advance, are permitted to attend classroom parties. If volunteering, be sure to park in a designated spot, rather than along the parent pickup lane. Additionally, per the elementary handbook, younger siblings are not permitted to attend classroom parties.
IAR Testing
Students in grades 3-5 will once again be participating in the Illinois Assessment of Readiness this spring. Testing dates will be sent out to parents as soon as they are solidified.
Young Knights Fair
Please see the attached flyer for information regarding this year's Young Knights Fair. It is at this event that incoming pre-school and kindergarten students will register for the 2020-2021 school year. Young Knights Flyer
Thank you to all of our party volunteers. Parents who have signed up to volunteer will be asked to remain in the office until the 9:30am or 2:30 pm party time.
Please remember only parents who have signed up to volunteer, in advance, are permitted to attend classroom parties. If volunteering, be sure to park in a designated spot, rather than along the parent pickup lane. Additionally, per the elementary handbook, younger siblings are not permitted to attend classroom parties.
IAR Testing
Students in grades 3-5 will once again be participating in the Illinois Assessment of Readiness this spring. Testing dates will be sent out to parents as soon as they are solidified.
Young Knights Fair
Please see the attached flyer for information regarding this year's Young Knights Fair. It is at this event that incoming pre-school and kindergarten students will register for the 2020-2021 school year. Young Knights Flyer
- Please be sure to update your contact information through Tyler or by calling the school office at 630-365-8170, should you have any changes to your phone number and/or email/mailing address.
- Be sure to stay current on information regarding PTN events and community-based opportunities listed in the Virtual Backpack