Important Upcoming Dates
January 8th- Fun Lunch- Paisanos
January 10th- PTN Fundraiser Party- 3:30pm
January 13th- Board of Education Meeting- 7:00pm @ Harter Middle School
January 14th- PTN Meeting- 6:30pm @ John Stewart
January 16th- District-Wide Spelling Bee- 6:00pm @ Kaneland High School
January 17th- PTN Family Bingo Night- 6:00pm @ John Stewart
January 20th- No School- Martin Luther King Day
January 22nd- Fun Lunch- Burger King
January 27th- Board of Education Meeting- 7:00pm @ Harter Middle School
Illinois Assessment of Readiness
Student scores on the Spring 2019 IAR assessment have been imported into Tyler. Parents and Students can now view them online. The quickest way to view your child's scores would be to view their portal, go to the menu tab and click on Assessments. Student Council
Student Council is collecting new, thick socks of any color and size to donate to Hesed House,
a homeless shelter in Aurora. We are collecting now until Friday, Jan. 17th. Please drop your socks
in the boxes by the library or upstairs bathrooms. Thank you for your donations! Fourth graders and
2nd Trimester 5th grade Student Council members will get to participate in a sock/snowball kids vs
teachers game during the Valentine’s Day Party as a celebration of our donations.
Young Knights Fair
Save the date for the 2020 Young Knights Registration and Literacy Fair: Saturday, February 22nd from8:00-11:30 am. This event is for fall 2020 preschool and kindergarten registration, as well as to register for developmental screenings for children birth-3 years of age. More information will be available soon.
Parking Lot Safety
Please continue to review the parking lot procedures found HERE to ensure a safe arrival and dismissal for all students and staff.
Winter Gear
Please know that all students will go outside for their daily lunchtime recess when the wind chill is above 5 degrees. It is important to dress your children for the weather. Warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots, labeled with your child's name, are recommended. Boots and snow pants are required if your child wants to play in the snow.
5 Essentials Survey Parent Survey
The State of Illinois is once again providing a feedback opportunity through the 5 Essentials survey. This survey consists of 3 aspects- a parent survey, a student survey, and a staff survey. The parent survey link is available now and can be accessed HERE. All 4th and 5th-grade students will be taking the survey in their computer class, once the student link is released. Staff will be completing their survey during one of their morning collaboration times. We appreciate your time in completing the survey on behalf of Kaneland John Stewart Elementary School.