Thursday, January 5, 2023

January Newsletter

Happy New Year John Stewart Families!!  We hope that you all had a restful winter break full of family fun and great memories made. We look forward to all of the students returning on Monday, January 9th.

Important January Dates
9 Students Return to School
12 Four Schools, One Book Assembly and Book Reveal
12 PTN Dine Out - Noodles & Company (Geneva Commons)
17 Progress Reports sent home on an as-needed basis
17 District Spelling Bee - Meredith Gym 6pm
16 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
17-18 1st Grade Mutual Ground Presentations
19-20 4th Grade Mutual Ground Presentations
25 Fun Lunch - Paisano's Pasta
31 PTN Mtg 6-7pm

Important February Dates
8 Fun Lunch - Jersey Mikes (date change - sorry)
10 Kindergarten's Valentine's Day Concert 9:30-10:00am
14 Valentines Parties Kindergarten (10:40-11:20) / 1st-5th Grade Parties (2:30-3:20)
20 President's Day - No School
22 Fun Lunch - Doughbrother's Pizza
25 Young Knights Fair / Incoming Kindergarten Registration (8-12)

Word Wednesday
The School Improvement Team at John Stewart is excited to introduce WORD WEDNESDAY! Every month students will be introduced to a focus word with weekly announcements to tell them more about that word. For the month of January, our focus will be ADVOCACY.

On Wednesday, January 11th your child's teacher will show a video on ADVOCACY that was created by two 5th-grade students Hayleigh McCray and William Oswald. To bring the word to life, we will have an interactive board outside of the gym where students will have the opportunity to share how they have advocated for their needs at KST. This board will change each month with the new focus word!

First Grade Winter Serenade
Here is the Youtube video to watch these adorable first graders signing. Enjoy

Parking Lot Reminders
  • NO CELL PHONES in School Zone Area between Anderson Rd. & Ridge St.
  • NO LEFT TURNS into the Parent Parking lot.
  • ALWAYS use your TURN Signal
  • Parents DO NOT get out of your cars if you are in the drop-off line. If you need to assist your child out of the car, please park in a parking spot.
Thank you for keeping our students and staff safe during drop-off and pick-up!!

January Expectation Walks
Within the first two weeks of returning to school, students will be participating in a refresher on the school expectation through expectation walks.  Expectations will be reviewed in the lunchroom, recess, bathroom, hallways, entering, and exiting the building.  We will be following the CHAMPs framework.

January Newsletter

Important Dates January 6 School resumes 9 Five Schools, One Book Assembly 13 Fun Lunch Orders DUE  (please note the date change) 14 Distric...