Tuesday, January 31, 2023

February Newsletter

Important February Dates
1 Global Day of Play
2 Groundhogs Day
3 100th Day of School
8 Fun Lunch - Jersey Mikes
10 Kindergarten's Valentine's Day Concert (9:30-10:00am)
14 Valentines Parties Kindergarten (10:40-11:20) / 1st-5th Grade Parties (2:30-3:20)
16 Matt Wilhelm Bike Assembly - All School (2:20-3:20pm)
17 End of Trimester 2
20 President's Day - No School
22 Fun Lunch - Doughbrother's Pizza
24 Report Cards Go Live 
25 Young Knights Fair / Incoming Kindergarten Registration (8am-12pm)
28 PTN Meeting (6-7pm)

Important March Dates
3 No Student Attendance - Kane County Institute Day for Teacher Development
8 Fun Lunch - Corner Grind
13-17 IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) Testing Window for 3rd - 5th 
20-24 IAR Make-Up Testing Window
21 PTN Meeting (6-7pm)
22 Fun Lunch - Culvers
27-31  No School - Spring Break 

Kaneland Care Closet
The Care Closet has been busy filling orders for families in need and we are running out of quite a few items. A box will be put in the front entryway of the school for items to be collected. You could also purchase from the Care Closet Amazon Wish List, which will send the items to Blackberry Creek where the closet is housed.
  • men's and *women's deodorant (especially women's)
  • *hand soap
  • *dish soap
  • *laundry detergent
  • *toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • *Men's and women's body wash
  • tampons and maxi pads
  • pasta and sauce
  • cans of tuna
  • peanut butter
  • snacks such as granola bars, Goldfish, etc.
  • Sizes 1, 2, and 5 diapers
Thank you for any items you can provide!

What is the Kaneland Care Closet 

The care closet is an area of our school to provide relief to students and their families who are experiencing hardships: food insecurity, basic hygiene supplies, lack of weather appropriate clothing such as hats and mittens, etc. 

Who gets to use it? 

This will be a FREE resource provided for our students and their families. 

Will everyone know that we are using the care closet? 

NO! The use of the care closet is confidential and anonymous. Items will be picked up at your discretion at John Stewart Elementary (or Kaneland school of your choosing) in paper bags with initials. 

How does it work? 

Simply scan the QR code you see on this flyer using the camera on your cellular device. You will then fill out a google form addressing the need for specific items. Your items will be available for pick up at the front hallway of John Stewart Elementary School the following day. If you are unable to make it to Stewart, arrangements can be made for pick up at another school. 

Don’t have a cell phone? No problem! This link will take you directly to the google form. https://forms.gle/PZ2N4W3ZJWnBr95m9

Transportation News 
Students can no longer get off at any other stop than their own.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, we appreciate your flexibility and understanding.  If your child needs a change in their transportation, please complete the change in transportation form. 2022-23 Alternate Transportation Form 

Kids Heart Challenge
Kids Heart Challenge formally known as Jump rope for Heart will be on is Friday, February 17th. Signing up online to donate is easy and if they/you sign up and don't donate they still get a wristband. Click Here: AHA Kids Heart Challenge Online Information

5 Essentials Survey
We would love to hear from you! On behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be administered online by UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago. The survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These five indicators that affect and predict school success are:
  • Effective Leaders
  • Collaborative Teachers
  • Involved Families
  • Supportive Environments
Ambitious InstructionThe Illinois 5Essentials Survey for students and teachers will be conducted from Jan. 24, 2023 and closes on March 31, 2023. The Parent Survey Supplement will be conducted during that same timeframe. To take the survey please visit http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ and select the appropriate survey to begin. Our School needs 20% of our parents to respond and a minimum of 8 responding parents in order to receive a report.

Valentines Day Parties
Valentine's Day Parties will be held on Tuesday, February 14th.

Kindergarten will have their parties from 10:40-11:20 am. First - 5th Grade will have their parties from 2:30-3:20 pm. Two volunteers will be allowed in the classrooms for this party, which have been signed up through the PTN. If you have specific questions, please email stewartptn@gmail.com.

Students may bring in non-candy/food valentines for each student in class. Classroom teachers will share a list of students in their class with you and will let you know if students need to make a valentines day box at home or if one will be provided to them.

Please remember only parents who have signed up to volunteer, in advance, are permitted to attend classroom parties and masks are required. If volunteering, be sure to park in a designated spot, rather than along the parent pickup lane. Additionally, per the elementary handbook, younger siblings are not permitted to attend classroom parties.

Thank you for making this day extra special for our students!

Kindergarten Registraton

Kindergarten 23-24 Kindergarten Registration Flyer and Sign Up Genius for Feb. 25th. If the Sign-Up Genius link doesn't work here, it can be accessed on the registration flyer.

Please call the main office at (630) 365-8170 with any questions you may have.

February Word Wednesday Focus: KINDNESS
The School Improvement Team is excited to continue our WORD WEDNESDAYS!

Every month we will be introducing students to a focus word with weekly announcements to tell them more about that word. For the month of February, our focus will be KINDNESS.

Kindness means being friendly, generous, and considerate to others. We can't wait to see all of the kindness spread around John Stewart. 

10 Acts of Kindness for Kids to Do At Home
  • Smile at others
  • Write letters or draw pictures for family members
  • Help bring in the groceries
  • Do a chore without being asked
  • Give someone a compliment
  • Share a favorite toy with a sibling
  • Call a grandparent
  • Leave a thank you note and a treat for the mailman
  • Open the door for someone
  • Tell a family member why you love them

January Word Wednesday - Examples of Students ADVOCATING Last Month

  • Jack N. - Advocated for himself by asking to turn off one of the lights during writing
  • Emily S., Malin T., & Sydney K. - Asked to sit in the hallway when the class was getting too loud during their small group discussions
  • Brooklyn R. - Advocating to go last in a discussion. She needed more time to collect her thoughts.
  • Anthony F. - Advocated when he was struggling to organize his informational topic and develop smaller questions to research. After conferring with his teacher, Anthony felt confident and ready to continue!
  • David - Advocated for his room to be quieter 
  • Hayleigh M. - Advocated by asking questions to understand the project she was working on. 
  • Emma E. - Advocated for her best learning environment. She asked to change her seat so she could focus.
  • Jay D. - Advocated for his learning by asking to be in a new book club next rotation. Jay said why he felt this way to support his learning.
  • August - She came across the word "comparison" in a Scholastic News quiz question, so she advocated for herself and asked to have it explained before attempting her answer. 
  • Elise S. - Advocated for her learning by asking for a daily readers workshop schedule so she could hold herself accountable. 
  • Devyn S. - Advocated for writing paper that fit her needs
  • Tessa - Advocated during math time for a new area to work because a classmate was distracting her learning. 

Kaneland Foundation Trivia Fundraiser 
The race has begun. We've had a couple of registrations come in and they've chosen their favorite school to support for the possible $1,000 general operating grant. But we need more teams! I've had so many people tell me they're going to sign up a team to play...what's stopping you?!

This year's theme is Decades Edition. The 4 question rounds will be broken into the 70's, 80's, 90's and 00's. You're also welcome to dress up or decorate your table in your favorite decade. It's going to be so much fun!

Please, sign up today and join us at the Elburn Lions Club on Saturday, February 18th! www.kanelandfoundation.org

Cell Phones/Smart Watches At School
Just a reminder that cell phones and Smart Watch are allowed at school, however, there are a few guidelines we ask that students follow.  Phones can be used before or after school hours and on the bus.  During school hours cell phones must be stored in the student's backpack on silent, so they do not cause a distraction.  During unstructured times, students are not allowed to use phones, including lunch, recess (indoor or outdoor), and extra recess.  Staying focused on learning during the school day is our top priority. If you need to get ahold of your student during the school day, please call the front office to reach them at (630) 365-8170.    Section 5 of the Illinois School Code

January Newsletter

Important Dates January 6 School resumes 9 Five Schools, One Book Assembly 13 Fun Lunch Orders DUE  (please note the date change) 14 Distric...