Wednesday, March 1, 2023



Important March Dates
3 No Student Attendance - Kane County Institute Day for Teacher Development
8 Fun Lunch - Corner Grind
9 Visit Portillos (Batavia) for Knights Out
13-17 IAR (Illinois Assessment of Readiness) Testing Window for 3rd - 5th 
14 PTN Butterbraid Fundraiser Begins
20-24 IAR Make-Up Testing Window
21 PTN Meeting (6-7pm)
22 Fun Lunch - Culvers
24 Popcorn Available During Lunch - $1
27-31  No School - Spring Break 

Important April Dates
6 Visit California Pizza Kitchen for Knights Out Fundraiser
6 3rd Trimester Progress Reports (as needed)
7 No School - School Improvement Day for Teachers
11 5th Grade Tours at Harter Middle School
12 Spring Pictures
12 Reams Fun Lunch
14 Ties and Tiara's Formal Dance
20 3rd Grade Music Concert 5:30-6pm
20 Open House 6-8pm
20 Visit Buona Beef for Knights Out Fundraiser 
25 PTN Meeting 6-7pm
26 McCalisters Fun Lunch
26 Step Up Night for 5th Graders at KHMS 6:30-7:30pm

IAR Testing 3rd - 5th Grade
Students in grades 3-5 will be participating in the Illinois Assessment for Readiness (IAR) testing the week of March 13th. The tests entail three ELA and three Math assessments. Fifth-grade students will additionally take three Science Assessments that week.
Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a hearty breakfast that week! Students will have to make up assessments the following week if they miss one or two tests per subject area, so please try to ensure their presence during the week unless they are ill.

Here is some helpful parent information about the IAR from Niles School District 71, which also provides practice questions as well.

Knight Tickets
You may have heard your child talk Knight Tickets and we are so excited to bring them back to KST!! Our Student Support Team reviews behavior data (SWIS) twice a month and the top three documented behaviors are 1) Disrespect, 2) Defiance and 3) Physical Contact. We are looking for your support at home to reinforce school-appropriate behaviors and expectations. At school, we will be using Knight Tickets to provide positive reinforcement to those students who do follow expectations.

There are 3 buckets in the library where students can place their earned tickets in. One for K-1, 2-3, & 4-5. Two names will be drawn every Friday.

Prizes include, but are not limited to:
  • Small Fidgets, games, etc. in a prize bin
  • Reward Coupons: Lunch with the teacher or office staff, Choose Friday Songs, Read Announcements, Help Teacher, Help in a Younger Class, Get a Book From the Vending Machine, etc.
Monthly rewards:
One student per bucket will win a reward for their class and get to choose what the class receives. (For instance, extra recess, dance party, PJ Day, teacher of choice to read a book to the class, board games for indoor recess, etc.)

Parking Lot Reminders
Please remember to follow all directions given by the staff members who are directing traffic for your safety and the safety of others.  
Kindergarten Registration 
This past Saturday, February 25th, we had a wonderful turnout for Kindergarten registration! We welcomed 74 registered students, class of 2036!!  If you know someone who will be 5 years old by September 1st, please have them call the main office (630) 365-8170 to schedule an appointment to get registered.

5 Essentials Survey
There is still time to complete the survey and we would love to hear from you!
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey for students and teachers will be conducted from Jan. 24, 2023, and closes on March 31, 2023. The Parent Survey Supplement will be conducted during that same timeframe. To take the survey please visit and select the appropriate survey to begin. Our School needs 20% of our parents to respond and currently, we are at 8%. Please consider completing the survey. Thank you!

Word Wednesday - Proficiency
This month’s word is proficiency. According to fifth graders May Odom and Cece Breeden, proficiency is when a learner has mastered a skill – it is a way to show what you have learned!
Students will fill out gold coins when they show mastery, which will then be posted on the board by the gym so everyone can see their great work!
A video has been shared with your child's teacher, created by fifth-grade students.
Link to video 1

Here are some acts of Kindness that were documented with last month's focus word! 
- Natalie D. for holding the door open for Mrs. Sears
- Grayson H. for letting his peers go first in the hall
- Hallie, Emma, David, & Keira for helping clean up the hallway! 
- Emerson for saying "good job, I'm happy for you" when another student got a turn in music
- Jayden R. for noticing when others needed help and helping them without anyone asking him
- Everly for asking a friend that was sitting alone to sit at her table
- Dylan S. for giving his brother his turn down the slide
- Lucy B. and Emily S. for sharing her stickers with each other
- Baylee W. for helping a friend by giving them a clue and not the answer
- Owen W. for helping a friend spell a word
- Porter N. for helping a friend in need when he could see they were struggling
- Evy for sharing with Keira
- Kayleigh R. for finding another student's winter hat and helping to get it back to her
- Bentley S. for being an Upstander when a peer was calling another an unkind word. Bentley stood up for kindness. 
- Sophia R. for telling a friend good job when he passed his sight word list
- Jay D. for showing kindness to a peer having a rough day at recess

PTN News: 
Please see the flyer below for a formal dance open to ALL John Stewart Students and their special adult.  More details will be coming in the PTN newsletters. If you do not receive emails from the PTN, please reach out to to get on that list.   We are looking forward to a wonderful event!!  

January Newsletter

Important Dates January 6 School resumes 9 Five Schools, One Book Assembly 13 Fun Lunch Orders DUE  (please note the date change) 14 Distric...